Achieve your goals in 12 months, what's your why? Now Today we are going to be looking at taking action! This is where the rubber meets the road. No more stuffing around.
So first things first. I want you to write down your goal for the next 12 months.
Where do you want to be in 12 months? Do you want to stay where you are right now? Then don't do anything. Do you want to better yourself and live a life of your dreams? Ok then time for action.
Here are some examples of goals you may relate to -
Do you want to save say $10,000 for a trip overseas? Save $50,000 and take the entire family? What about starting a charity? How about you lose 20 pounds in 12 months? And while your at it get fit and healthy? I don't know what you want but you do. Once you have it in your head and you are feeling inspired, write it down.
Now the second thing i want you to do is to work out your ‘why'. What does that mean? Your 'why' is your reason, the thing that will get you waking up early and jumping out of bed with a spring in your step. It's what will make you stay up late at night. It is your inspiration.
An example would be ff you wanted to save $10,000 and I said to you why do you want $10,000 and your answer was 'just because' then you will never have it. But if you said ‘I want $10,000 so I can travel around the world and take my partner because we have never been and I have always wanted to go and takle her' then you will make that happen. You have a cause, a why, a reason that will inspire and drive you.
Your cause must be bigger than you are. It will be the cornerstone for your life. Without a cause that is bigger than you, you wont do anything.
Do you want to achieve your goals in 12 months?
1. Write down your goal
2. Write down your 'Why'
3. leave a comment below with your goal and your why
Over the next 12 months let us work together and make it a must to get to that goal.
Don't waste your time. Don't procrastinate any longer, don't over analyze and get analysis paralysis! Just do it.
Focus your mind, gain clarity and work it, take action on achieving your goal and act like it is already here.
I wrote a facebook post not long ago and I made the bold statement that people who read don't take action. I really believe that. So if all you do is read, stop! Instead take action on your goal. Don't read, just do!
In summary -
Write down your 12 month goal.
Write down your ‘why', your reason for achieving this goal.
Leave a comment below with your goal.
There is no more at the moment. Just do that. It's not hard. In the coming weeks I will lead you step by step to attaining that goal.
Like I said, stop procrastinating and do it now!
Live with passion!
Achieve your goals in 12 months, What is your why? Just do it!
Article Source: Achieve Your Goals - What is Your Why
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