Friday, 15 January 2016

How to make money with YouTube

Would you believe me if I say that up until about two years ago I didn't know that people were making a fortune on YouTube.  Real passive income with YouTube.

The facts about Youtube - Why now is a good time to start making money on YouTube?

1. YouTube is the world's most popular online video site.
2. There are over 4 billion hours' worth of video watched each month and its expected to increase
3. 72 hours' worth of video are uploaded every minute
4. Since its inception in 2005, Youtube has grown from a site of devoted to amateur videos to one that distributes original content.

Millions of dollars have been invested in YouTube by Google (yes if you didn't know YouTube is own by Google).  This is to the benefit of the average man and we should capitalise on the many powerful tools within YouTube to grow our business and make money on YouTube.

I've recently had the opportunity to attend an amazing 1 day workshop (in my living room of course) illustrating how to use this amazing platform to make money. The training and illustrations were very enlightening as when you do the good old researches most of the content just seem to focus on advertising revenues from partnering with YouTube.

I have learnt quite a lot from this DVD set, there are a quite few strategies,  including partnering with YouTube mentioned above to make money on YouTube. One key that I would highlight is that in addition to the below, you would want to make sure your channel is SEO friendly. This way people will find your video easily on YouTube or other search engines

Here are a few of the points covered, Get your copy of the DVD set to check out all the MUST see informative tips and strategies, get it now Risk free!!

How do you make money with YouTube?

1. Partnering up with YouTube
Partnering with YouTube is the most common way to make money with YouTube but you will need to have a significant amount of views monthly to see a decent change.

Don't quote me, but I think this is around £10 for every 1000 views and this is also dependent on how long people are staying on your videos.

On a general note, the videos you upload to YouTube should either educate or entertain, at the end of the day, do not forget the WIIIFM.

What is in it for me principle, people will only watch your video if they can identify WIIIFM within the first few seconds of the video and you will need to ensure that your video has the right hook.

2. Promoting Affiliate Products
On to strategy two, you can make money on YouTube by promoting affiliate products, the trick with this strategy is to make sure that the product or products you promote are in a good niche and are relevant.
Bear in mind your viewer will need  to have an interest in your value filled video and ultimately the product. Don't forget the WIIIFM.

Take for example, you run a channel that shows viewers how to apply make up or you run a general how to channel which basically shows people how to do something. Then at the end of each video you could tell your viewers where they could get the products used in your 'how to video' via your affiliate link to the supplier's or your website.

3. Promote your own Products
Thirdly, you can create a product to sell to your viewers (or if you already have your own products), tap into the world of interacting with your potential customers by video.

Just remember that there are thousand of people out there with problems that would like some help with solving their problems.

Your videos should focus on how you or your product can help with their problems.
As the saying goes "help someone solve their problems the way no one else can and you will be a wealthy man"

People want information as long as you can show that you genuinely want to help or teach people.

The beauty about video is that, in addition to raising awareness of your brand, video also creates a sense of trust and respect with your viewers or potential customers.

In summary, there many strategies for engaging with your viewers that you'll never find anywhere else on the internet and driving traffic to your video and making money on YouTube, if you would  like to start your own YouTube business, this info is MUST see

Let me know if you found this post useful, or if you would like help with setting up your channel.  Just leave a comment in the box or drop me an email

Here is a summary of the other things covered on the DVD set
 - 7 Steps to Success on YouTube
 -  Step by step guide to setting up a YouTube channel
 - Live step by step example of recording and uploading your video
 - tips on to get your viewer to engage (which will boosts your video ranking)
 - call to action (must do)
 - Dispelling the myths about YouTube ( you do not need to be an expert)
 - How to create a hook so that viewers always want more.
 - Demonstration of how one 10m video rakes in £20k per annum

P.S.  The DVD set comes with some cool bonuses that help you to start up your business from day 1 and 30 day Money back guarantee. so you have nothing to lose really.

Click here to get your copy today.

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