Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Raise Your Hand If You Want To Be A Millionaire

Raise your hand if you want to be a millionaire. What if that question was put to you? For most of us our hands would go up straight away. Some would never put their hands up, perhaps feeling that having lots of money is not good for anyone; maybe they've been told that people that have money are greedy, selfish and just all around bad people. There will also be those individuals that feel it would be nice to have, but don't think they can ever have it so don't put their hands up.
Well the truth is if you don't put your hand up, you most likely will never see, or create the opportunities that will bring it into your life, nor will you appreciate others having it. The very sad truth is we were born to create and dreaming is part of that, so you will never stop dreaming the dreams of having abundance in your life. If you refuse abundance you will just have to look on at others and think, if I had, I would do this, or I would do that.
You see we all were created to live abundantly. Not one of us was created to live in poverty, we might have been born into it, but if we pay attention, our life circumstances and experiences will show us that we don't have to stay in that place. We came here to experience, to love, to expand, to grow, to have the abundance released from within us, but by realising that our outer circumstances don't determine who we are on the inside. I share this point because many people believe this and feel that it is not necessary to have money at all, yet they can't ignore their dreams. They just can't turn off that dream button in their mind. In fact it haunts some people who just out right refuse to accept abundance is for everyone. It can frustrates some people, so much that they start thinking they know best, what other people should do with their own money, but will never go after it themselves.
What's most frustrating is to see people who dream great dreams of what they would do if they had money, who they'd help and how they would make a difference, but then never work at getting the money to do it. It's as if it needs to be put on their doorstep first and then they would do it. Still they hate what the people who have money, do with their money. There is also this tendency to believe that only bad people have money, to that I say, If you are good, go get the money and do even more good.
But do we really know?
Well I have found some of the most giving people are people who have money, they work hard and give harder. I had to see it with my own eyes, but just like the news where all you hear is bad stuff; they hardly ever get recognised for the good they are doing in this world.
Many of these individuals started out with pennies in their pocket, but when someone said to them metaphorically "Raise your hand if you want to be a millionaire' they raised their hands high. Don't get me wrong they probably never knew how they were going to do it, they may have even been in a lot of debt, but they put their hands up, because at that moment they made a decision. By raising their hands to wanting to be a millionaire they opened their minds if only a little to having it. They said yes to the dreams, vision and good that could be done through them; not only did they say yes, they owned up to the responsibility of getting it.
When you talk to some of these individuals and get to know them, they will tell you that those dreams and visions are not theirs alone. They will tell you that had they not allowed the money to flow through them, other people would have suffered.
Whether you raised your hand, or not, I encourage you to study and look a little closer for the good. Don't just leave your dreams on the bookshelf of life, because of money. Those dreams are God given, for you to use to show others the possibilities. Run after them knowing the love, the healing, the inspiration and the good they will produce. After all if God gave you those dreams that means you can do it. Go Forth!
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on our side whose only motive is to see us operate in your full potential.
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