Monday, 20 April 2015

Ways to Push Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zones to Achieve Prosperity

We are all going to come up against things that we are scared of in life. This is normal. Fear is healthy it is designed to protect us from harm, but it works to hard and overprotects us sometimes. You have to learn to look fear in the face and decide to not let it stop you, you must do what scares you. A way to make it easier is to not judge the outcomes of choosing this, but to just measure your actions to overcoming your fear. It also helps to have an accountability partner supporting and challenging you, and when you report your progress publicly you will be even more motivated to succeed.
Do what Scares you
This is where you have to begin. You have to identify something that scares you and chose to face it and overcome the fear. Fear is there to protect us, but unfortunately it is there to protect us from more than just harm it is also protecting us from growth and expansion. To truly achieve abundance and prosperity you have to grow yourself to make room to receive all of the new goodness coming your way. The journey towards this growth and expansion can be uncomfortable but it is well worth it.
Measure Action not Results
A large part of fear can often be associated around fear of failure at the new task which is why we do not measure the results of our actions, we measure if we took the action at all. We do not actually have control over results, no matter what we do, but we do have control over the actions we choose to take. So measure by what you control, your level of action you decide to take to overcome your fear. When you can learn to asses your progress this way you learn to take more risks because there is less to fear because you can no longer be scared of failure, except the failure to act.
Have an Accountability Partner
One of the great lessons I have learned about success in any area is that we cannot achieve success going it alone. We need to have support in all things we do, and this is especially true in the case of doing what scares us. It is easy to back out of taking the needed scary action when there is no one there to support you or push you. So find an accountability part, someone you trust and know cares deeply for you. They will know if you challenge is dangerous and tell you, but will also know when you are not pushing yourself hard enough and will make sure you get out of your comfort zone so you can grow.
Report publicly
One last way to helping to ensure you push yourself to do what scares you is to report on your intention and your action publicly. When we are scared it can be easy to hide to avoid confronting the fear. When you start to share publicly you can no longer hide and one of two results will occur. You will face and overcome your fear and get the admiration and support of the public community, or you will have to explain publicly why you didn't. For many the fear of explaining why you didn't take the action becomes greater than the actual action itself helping them to take that step.

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