Friday, 3 April 2015

The Power of Habit: Four "Rich Habits" That Make the Difference Between Rich and Poor

How can a simple thing like rich habits make a difference between rich and poor?
It's taken me most of my life before I realized that there actually is a reason behind the difference between rich and poor, and that reason actually begins with "rich habits" of the wealthy.
I used to think that life just "happened to" us, and we have no control over what becomes of us.
But after learning more about the Law of Attraction, it is clear to me that not putting the power of habit in my life - rich habits, that is - could have been the reason why most of my life was spent living paycheck to paycheck, just hoping for enough money to put food on the table.
I remember when I used to go to the grocery shopping on Wed so I could write a "rubber check" that I knew wouldn't clear until my paycheck hit the bank on Friday. And my habits in those days? Nobody in their right mind would judge my daily habits as rich habits! Just the act of planning to cash my check before the money was there was probably the first no-no, as it was screaming "lack" to the universe.
Why are rich habits so important?
Ask yourself if these four rich habits are part of your daily routine. If not, try to imagine how your life might be different if you just started to follow these four steps...
1) Positive affirmations.
Your brain can actually be fooled into "thinking rich" once you make the habit of daily affirmations. It's weird, but the brain has a way of believing whatever your physiology tells it to... so when you affirm in a strong, confident voice that you feel good about what you're doing and you're certain of a positive outcome, your brain follows through because it doesn't want to make you a liar.
2) Incantations.
Incantations are powerful! Even the great Tony Robbins never goes on stage without incanting to himself over and over that this performance IS going to be extremely beneficial to his audience and people in the audience will experience transformations that will lead to helping others.
As Tony says, why leave something important up to chance when you can be sure it will be a success simply by stating incantations beforehand?
I have to admit, I hadn't even heard of this technique before, but I REALLY wish I would have known about this cool technique of assuring success. Since I've been practicing incantations, I must be carrying myself with more confidence, as the people around me - colleagues, family members, and even strangers are treating me with more respect.
(Remember Henry Ford lived by the words "I Can"Henry Ford live by the words "I Can")
3) Change your vocabulary when you're describing yourself.
People tend to use exaggerated adjectives in an effort to make themselves sound significant. You know what I mean, don't you? You've heard people say, "I feel like I've been run over by a truck", or "My speech is so retarded", or "That guy made me livid"... remember, your brain follows whatever your physiology leads it to.. And your speech is the first part of your physiological makeup.
Recent studies have proven that when you replace the exaggerated adjectives with more realistic terms, that you feel better emotionally..
For example... "I feel like I've been run over by a truck" replace with "I'm feeling a bit tired today", or "my speech needs a little more practice" instead of "my speech is retarded", or "that guy got me peeved", instead of "that guy made me livid". I recently heard a friend of mine describe herself as a retard with math. Her brain probably would not allow her to add 2+2 with that description!
Try this experiment yourself...
If you have a problem with anger, for example, try replacing the word livid or angry with concerned - and watch how your feelings follow. And, of course, your actions will follow your feelings.
4) Read daily.
When I first became a part of the online marketing program that teaches people how to make money online, one of the core commitments to start making money is to read daily.
"Read daily? That's silly, I don't have time for that", I thought... as I continued to stay broke.
After breaking down and listening to audio recordings daily, which did help some, I now am convinced that reading daily in addition to listening to personal development audios makes a significant difference on the mindset. The thing is that, when you read, you're forced to focus more, and this will ingrain the new ideas deeper within your psyche as opposed to listening, since most of us tend to just listen with half an ear while we're doing other things.
And what's more... When you combine personal development audios with reading and blogging, then your take what you've just learned and post it in a form to help others, a really cool way of growing both spiritually and intellectually evolves. Blogging is a great way to discover your own passion.
Would your life be different today if...
What if you decided to keep yourself loaded with positive personal development audios to change your poor habits to rich habits? How would your life be different if you started following these steps that rich people seem to do automatically?

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