You Reap Only What You Sow-
Sowing is a choice. It is intentional and you expect to reap from your efforts. If you sow apple seeds, you will get apples. If you want to be more optimistic sow the seeds of optimism. Sow positive behaviors to reap positive results.
Your thoughts are your seeds. Say to yourself positive affirmations, "I'm super good but I'm getting better", or "I am a positive person who looks for the best outcome in every situation"," the leads are great and there is opportunity in every one of them".
You won't reap bananas from pumpkin seeds, no matter how hard you hope for them. Hope is not a strategy. Hoping customers will buy from you will not create sales.
Know Where To Sow-
Seeds sown on rocks will never bear fruit. Sowing is an investment so be careful where you spend your energy and with whom.
If you want to be successful hang around successful people.
A Farmer Knows His Crop-
Sowing is an investment, so the farmer is careful. He is equipped to sow and reap in accordance with the nature of his crop.
The farmer has the land, has the right equipment, understands the calendar, knows the cultivation schedule, and knows the water and nutrients necessary for the crop to yield its intended result.
If the farmer is careless, if his stewardship falters, he stands to lose everything.
When the Time is Right, Reap-
You reap in a different season than you sow. Plants don't germinate overnight and consequences are often delayed. Focused training should be done in the off season so when the season comes to harvest we are prepared and ready. Weekly meetings are where you water your crops, role playing.
Most people aren't willing to do the hard work it takes to make selling easy or production, service, call center, for that matter. Training is the highest value activity you do in any company or department.
You don't get great at selling (or in any position) in one day you get great at selling day by day.
We Can't Do Anything About Last Year's Harvest-
Life is filled with important choices, and every choice has a consequence, it's cause and effect. It's not about whether last year's harvest was good or bad, it's about how you handled the success or failure of that harvest.
We can do something only about this year's crop (Living in "NOW")... but we can take what we learned last year and make this year's harvest more bountiful.
Life is full of lemon's, it's up to you to make lemonade.
It's important to have the strength and the desire to continue sowing.
Don't Worry About the Weather Or Anything Else-
Worry is wasted effort and the breeding ground of doubt. It can lead you to focus on potential losses rather than effective solutions.
Combat worry by taking positive actions that will prevent worry from happening.
You Reap Much More Than You Sow-
One single seed yields hundreds to thousands of its kind.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
You can never like anyone else more than you like yourself and don't expect others to like you if you don't hold yourself in high esteem.
These principles can be applied to each and every one of us. They apply to every company in every department in every division. These principles are Biblical - Galatians 6:7, it's Karma also known as Cause and Effect.
You reap what you sow!
Very true.