Tuesday, 26 January 2016

How valuable are you?

The 7 Habits of Highly Impactful People - Habit Number 1: Values

You want to have impact in your business and life, right? 
Here’s the thing: you already do! But it’s not necessarily the impact you want to have. 

Having a positive influence in your business, community, and even the larger world takes disciplined effort. When you make those efforts habits, you’re on your way to big impact. 
In this series of 7 articles, I’ll share what I’ve learned from years of coaching people who want to have impact, and from my own work and research. You’ll learn the 7 habits of highly impactful people. 

These habits pay off hugely, not only in how much impact you have, but financially in your business too. Consciously impactful businesses mightily outperform those whose focus is just profit. 
Before we get started with the first habit, let’s spend a little time to be clear what we’re talking about here. 

What does it mean to be impactful?
1. Impact starts with you: While most of us want to create a positive impact through our business, in order to have impact, you have to start with you. How do you show up in the world? How do you want to be with people? What do you want to offer them? That has impact.
2. Impact is much more than your get-to-do list: To be impactful, you must first understand your larger mission or purpose in your business. I used to call it your Big Why. I now call it your Impact Purpose. That’s because the impact you want to have guides every aspect of your business. 
3. Your intentions will determine your impact: Author Gary Zukav wrote, "It is wise for us to become aware of our intentions and choose them according to what we want to produce." Whatever your intention is about your impact, whether it's conscious to you or unconscious, that's what'll play out. 
This series of articles is about making intentional choices related to the impact you want to create in your business and personal life.

Habit #1: Get Clear About Your Own Values 
A universal habit among some of the most impactful people in the world is that they became clear about their own values. 
Whether you’re aware of it or not, your behavior arises out of what you hold as most important, what you value. When you are clear about what values are the most important to you, you can use that awareness to have impact from that deeply rooted and grounded foundation. 

Here’s a practical exercise that will help you start to get clarity about your own values. 
Set aside some quiet time for yourself and start writing down value words that are deeply important to you. To start, write down whatever comes to your mind. You can always edit this list later. 

Think of situations in your life or business that were really powerful experiences. What values did you demonstrate in those situations? 
Here are some value words that may help you in creating your own list: 
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Professionalism
• Doing quality work
• Humility
• Kindness
• Fun
• Joy
• Compassion
• Treating people with respect
• Adaptability
• Dependability
• Creativity
• Warmth
• Balance
• Curiosity
• Freedom
• Persistence
• Resilience
If some of these values resonate with you deeply, you can certainly add them to your list. You may have others: spend some time and create your own unique list of values. 

Your list of values are not simple words but something much more. I call them ‘Pull Priorities’ because they draw you. They pull you forward toward the impact that you want to have. 

They come from inside of you and they don't push you like an outside force imposed on you. Like someone else’s ideas about what they think should be important to you. 

They give you a grounded center to work from and they help define you and the impact you want to have. 
To achieve mastery in the first habit of highly impactful people, revisit this list of your Pull Priorities regularly so that you are always clear about what you value. You can even post your Pull Priorities on a wall so that they're front of mind. 
Measure what you’re doing against the values you decided were important to you. Are they aligned? 

Keep the habit of clarity around your values and they'll help you with every other habit of highly impactful people that we're going to talk about in the upcoming articles. 
It’s an ongoing process to become impactful, both personally and with your business. Following the 7 habits of highly impactful people will increase the positive influence you have on the people in your work and life.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Financial Freedom explained

Some people use the words Financial Security, Financial Independence and Financial Freedom, interchangeably but here is what I have learnt from Tony Robbins.

Financial freedom is simply having all our current lifestyle costs and significant luxury items paid without having to work a day.  At this point we have accumulated enough savings and investments to work for us.  The annual income from these savings and investments will cover all costs.

In today's world, the amount of investment you will need to produce the annual income you require would average at about 20 times according to some experts.  So say for example you worked out your financial security figure (see details below) to be $24,000 then the amount of investment you will need to produce the annual income to keep you financially secure would therefore be $480,000.

The best way to start is to work out your security amount, write it down and work upwards, step by step.  Often we want it all right now but we can't jump before we can walk.   If we do not take the time to at least calculate the costs and know our figure, how will we know what we are working towards?

The stages to financial freedom as I have learnt it from Tony Robbins
Stage 4Financial Freedom=Every cost you have today+ 2 or 3 significant luxuries without having to work for it
Stage 3Financial Independence=All your current lifestyle costs paid for without having to work ever
What is your monthly figure xxxx
Annual Income required to cover thesexxxx multiplied by 12
Stage 2Financial Vitality=Financial Security figure + 1/2 of (current clothing, entertainment, little luxury costs)
paid for without having to work ever
1. Financial Securityxx
2. 1/2 of clothing costsx
3. 1/2 of cable tv, dining out, etcx
4. 1/2 luxury (gym, manicure, etcx
Total monthlyxxx
Annual income required to cover thesexxx multiplied by 12
Stage 1Financial Security=Your basic needs paid for without having to work forever
1. Your mortgage/rentx
2. Utilities for your homex
3. Food for your familyx
4. Transportation costsx
5. Insurance costsx
Total monthlyxx
Annual income to cover thesexx multiplied by 12

Friday, 22 January 2016

10 rules to success

Prepare yourself for success, do not give away your power.!

Check out a selection of Oprah's 10 rules to success, leave a comment.  Let me know what you think!

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Tools to Help You Focus and Concentrate on Your Goals and Objectives

Original Article source

For some people, meeting objectives and goals can be difficult. If you are one of the millions of people who have trouble with focus and concentration, dont give up; by following simple guidelines; there is hope for you to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.

The place in which you work has its own atmosphere. The office or cubicle in which you work should reflect your personality. It should be quiet, and you should have an adequate, clean workspace, however, if you are going to spend your time there, you should want to be there. When you have this type of environment, you are more likely to accomplish a lot more work.

It has been proven that music has ability to help you focus on the task at hand. The genre of the music is up to the person listening to it. Music can make the everyday distractions that cause you to loose focus, disappear. It is recommended however that you use earphones, as other people may not share the same taste in music.

There are a lot of ways to improve your focus and concentration. If you are unable to do it on your own, workshops and seminars are available in many cities and towns across the country. They are designed to assist you in developing your focus and concentration skills.

If at the end of a long day, you find that you do not have the time or energy to attend a workshop or seminar, you can visit your local bookstore to find thousands of books lining the shelves on the subject improving focus and concentration.
When you feel your focus is slipping, a good way to get it back is to take a bath instead of a shower before work. A shower is usually short, while you can lounge and soak in a bath. You will emerge feeling refreshed and you may find that the stress you had went down the drain with the bath water.

It is a proven fact that when you are hungry, you focus and concentration suffer. While dieting can help you loose weight, it can also decrease your concentration levels. It is important that you eat breakfast, healthy or not, it will assist you to focus better.
The power of positive thinking is very much underestimated in todays society. Self-affirmation can stimulate your brain and give you the boost that you need to focus better. It has been proven to work.
Saying positive phrases to yourself over and over again will unconsciously help you to convince yourself that it is true. 

There is no greater power than believing in yourself.
Believe it or not, breathing can actually help reduce the stress that you feel. When you are less stressed you are able to focus better. There are certain breathing exercises that you can learn to assist you in developing better focus and concentration.

It is important to have the right tools to improve your concentration. It is more important that you use them. Having the right attitude will also assist you in making sure that your focus and concentration is on track. This in turn will have favorable results with your boss.

Article source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/tools-to-help-you-focus-and-concentrate-on-your-goals-and-objectives

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Personal Growth

Live, Love, Grow:
One of the most heartbreaking things about the current world is that there is a growing number of people who have harvested a lot of negativity in their lives. This negativity comes in all forms- anxiety, low self esteem and depression being the most common. 

These negative qualities prevent people from attaining their true potential. Personal growth is the most powerful tool that one can use to overcome these obstacles.

How is personal growth different from normal growth?
Let us consider two cases. Both persons A and B face the same type of stressful work environment. They are equally vulnerable to unavoidable health problems as well.

Person A denies having these problems. He believes that they can’t be solved. He faces the stress without any emotional preparation and as a result his overall wellbeing turns out to be a little shaken up. By not identifying the need to do something about his stress, he has subjected himself to physical and mental strain.

On the other hand, person B acknowledges these problems. He has faith that there is something that can be done to overcome his stress- he believes that the power to change resides within him. He seeks out a good mentor, practices positive techniques, and turns out a changed man. He feels like a different person, because he has allowed himself to grow.

Personal growth is a choice. Once a person has decided that he wants to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually, nothing really can affect him.

Personal Growth and Positivity:
The first step to personal growth is acknowledging your own problems and flaws. The subsequent step can be summarized in one mantra: Believe is seeing.

In order to develop crucial all round life skills, you need to identify your own potential. Every person is a living container having a lot of positive energy. The power to change lies within you, and you need to believe in that.
There are many ways to allow this positive energy to flow out. The key is to alter the way you think. With a little coaching, a person can learn to shed all negative thoughts, vibrate his wishes to the universe and focus his positive energy towards pure thoughts and a calm mindset. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Personal growth starts with a positive thinking. Thoughts of a certain frequency will beget consequences of a similar frequency. Only in a comfortable, happy environment can a person truly grow in all directions. And the power to create that environment lies within you.

Growing through Actions:
Along with altering one’s thoughts, it is equally important to alter the way they influence their physical surroundings. One of the most pleasant ironies about personal growth is that you can’t do it without other people!

Look at it this way. Teachers learn more about themselves and their subjects through teaching. If you can be a positive mentor for someone else, you will earn a double prize- your own personal growth as well as their. 

Personal growth is also reflected in acts of kindness. If you can selflessly perform random acts of kindness on a daily basis, you will be nurturing yourself. 

Personal Growth through a Mentor:
Ancient wisdom has taught us that having a spiritual teacher can dramatically affect personal growth in a positive way. Approaching experienced mentors who can help you create a positive mindset and relaxed environment that you need for personal growth is a great measure to take.

What does science say about growth? It can never be negative. We all face issues that can stun the growth, but once we make a move to deal with them, the only way we can grow is up. All we have to do is believe.

Article Source : http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/personal-growth-2

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Control your thoughts

Your mind is greater than you think, steer your thoughts to want you really want!  you can get it, you will get.

Check out this video, let me know what you think?

Monday, 18 January 2016


Are you obtaining maximum results on a daily basis?

If not a good place to start might be with your mindset. You need to prepare yourself for success and it starts with your mindset. To be the best that you can be on a daily basis, you begin by believing that you can be the best at whatever you are attempting to obtain. Once you have that mindset in place you develop what I call a “Right Thinking Mentality”. Once you have clearly defined your thought process, the next step is to determine the right actions to take to make your thinking a reality. Your thoughts become real through your Actions. Consider this: You will get better results if you are able to turn your right thinking into right actions. You cannot accomplish one without the other. When you have these two things in place, you are unstoppable. Right results will happen for you over and over.

Now I don’t know about you, but I do know about people. Most people fail in life because they try to make things too complicated. Instead, learn to begin your thought process with the end in mind. Picture your results and stop letting others determine your results. Winners picture themselves winning. They never consider losing. Their focus is on the end result. 

With that in mind their actions are focused on winning not losing. The picture they see helps to determine the action they take. They don’t start out the day, doing whatever. That is a big waste of time and talent. As I said, they begin with the end in mind and each action they take is toward a measureable result that will get them there. Watch what people do, you can tell who is successful and who is not, and even why they are successful or not.
Results are predictable when you are taking the right actions. It is almost like clockwork when you watch people perform. Successful people have a plan. Unsuccessful people usually don’t know where to start which wastes a valuable time, as they spin their wheels at the start line. Successful people never have to wait for results to take the next step.
Unsuccessful people still do not know what the next step is. They are still attempting to measure their results from the previous step before taking the next step. But wait! They may not even know what the next step is and have to stop progress, if any, to determine what to do next.
Make a choice to be prepared rather than hopelessly floundering around attempting to figure out what to do next. As I said, it begins with your mindset. I start out each day visualizing my success. I see it happening at the end of the day. Once I get the picture I have created in mind (RIGHT THINKING) I start to put the steps in place that I need to take to have the picture become a reality. This is the RIGHT ACTIONS step of the formula. I mentally list those steps and visualize, again, the actions needed to accomplish what I am visualizing. After much practice, I find that this whole process does not take that much of my time and has become an invaluable asset to my successful results.
Once I have the right thinking in place and add to it the right actions through visualization, I then focus my attention on the law of attraction. What I think about and visualize doing, I can attract into my life. Your measureable results or right results are not far behind.
You see, life is as simple as you make it. Begin your day each day practicing your mindset and start your right thinking moving toward your visualization of right actions which will lead you to the right results.
Writing By
Tim Tupper
CEO Business Increase Solutions

Article source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/right-thinking-right-actionsright-results

Friday, 15 January 2016

How to make money with YouTube

Would you believe me if I say that up until about two years ago I didn't know that people were making a fortune on YouTube.  Real passive income with YouTube.

The facts about Youtube - Why now is a good time to start making money on YouTube?

1. YouTube is the world's most popular online video site.
2. There are over 4 billion hours' worth of video watched each month and its expected to increase
3. 72 hours' worth of video are uploaded every minute
4. Since its inception in 2005, Youtube has grown from a site of devoted to amateur videos to one that distributes original content.

Millions of dollars have been invested in YouTube by Google (yes if you didn't know YouTube is own by Google).  This is to the benefit of the average man and we should capitalise on the many powerful tools within YouTube to grow our business and make money on YouTube.

I've recently had the opportunity to attend an amazing 1 day workshop (in my living room of course) illustrating how to use this amazing platform to make money. The training and illustrations were very enlightening as when you do the good old researches most of the content just seem to focus on advertising revenues from partnering with YouTube.

I have learnt quite a lot from this DVD set, there are a quite few strategies,  including partnering with YouTube mentioned above to make money on YouTube. One key that I would highlight is that in addition to the below, you would want to make sure your channel is SEO friendly. This way people will find your video easily on YouTube or other search engines

Here are a few of the points covered, Get your copy of the DVD set to check out all the MUST see informative tips and strategies, get it now Risk free!!

How do you make money with YouTube?

1. Partnering up with YouTube
Partnering with YouTube is the most common way to make money with YouTube but you will need to have a significant amount of views monthly to see a decent change.

Don't quote me, but I think this is around £10 for every 1000 views and this is also dependent on how long people are staying on your videos.

On a general note, the videos you upload to YouTube should either educate or entertain, at the end of the day, do not forget the WIIIFM.

What is in it for me principle, people will only watch your video if they can identify WIIIFM within the first few seconds of the video and you will need to ensure that your video has the right hook.

2. Promoting Affiliate Products
On to strategy two, you can make money on YouTube by promoting affiliate products, the trick with this strategy is to make sure that the product or products you promote are in a good niche and are relevant.
Bear in mind your viewer will need  to have an interest in your value filled video and ultimately the product. Don't forget the WIIIFM.

Take for example, you run a channel that shows viewers how to apply make up or you run a general how to channel which basically shows people how to do something. Then at the end of each video you could tell your viewers where they could get the products used in your 'how to video' via your affiliate link to the supplier's or your website.

3. Promote your own Products
Thirdly, you can create a product to sell to your viewers (or if you already have your own products), tap into the world of interacting with your potential customers by video.

Just remember that there are thousand of people out there with problems that would like some help with solving their problems.

Your videos should focus on how you or your product can help with their problems.
As the saying goes "help someone solve their problems the way no one else can and you will be a wealthy man"

People want information as long as you can show that you genuinely want to help or teach people.

The beauty about video is that, in addition to raising awareness of your brand, video also creates a sense of trust and respect with your viewers or potential customers.

In summary, there many strategies for engaging with your viewers that you'll never find anywhere else on the internet and driving traffic to your video and making money on YouTube, if you would  like to start your own YouTube business, this info is MUST see

Let me know if you found this post useful, or if you would like help with setting up your channel.  Just leave a comment in the box or drop me an email

Here is a summary of the other things covered on the DVD set
 - 7 Steps to Success on YouTube
 -  Step by step guide to setting up a YouTube channel
 - Live step by step example of recording and uploading your video
 - tips on to get your viewer to engage (which will boosts your video ranking)
 - call to action (must do)
 - Dispelling the myths about YouTube ( you do not need to be an expert)
 - How to create a hook so that viewers always want more.
 - Demonstration of how one 10m video rakes in £20k per annum

P.S.  The DVD set comes with some cool bonuses that help you to start up your business from day 1 and 30 day Money back guarantee. so you have nothing to lose really.

Click here to get your copy today.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Many of us are always in pursuit of financial freedom. This has become the main reason for most of our day to day activities as we try our level best to earn some extra cash. However, not many have managed to reach the ultimate financial freedom point. This is simply because they are not doing it right. There are certain steps that one should take in order to fully achieve financial freedom. So let's examine what these steps should be:
The first step is to making up your mind on what you need.
This should be the first step since it is the determining factor when it comes to setting your financial standards. One thing that most people don't understand is that there is a huge difference between being financially free and financial freedom.
Some want to have all the material things they need while others prefer sacrificing them for the sake of being financially free. One should decide on which side he or she lies in. This way, it will be easier for you to budget.
Secondly, analyze yourself financially.
No one knows you better than you do. Therefore, you are the best person to determine your financial strengths and weaknesses as well as your likes and dislikes. This will simply help you achieve financial freedom using your strong points since it's the easiest path to financial freedom. In that case, it's important that you remain true to yourself in order to accurately achieve financial freedom.
The third step is the main one of them all; strategizing.
A game plan is a vital ingredient not only in achieving financial freedom but all the other business sectors there are. In this case, it's wise for one to set one in accordance to his or her weaknesses and strongholds. Make sure that you fully utilize them to the fullest.
Budget appropriately and plan for all the various assets that you'll require in the process. These include items such as real estates, businesses or even paper assets such as bonds, stocks or even mutual funds. On the other hand, don't go for any kind of asset; look for one that fits your personality.
On the other hand, your plan must be broken into stages. Do not plan on yearly basis, set weekly steps or even daily steps that are still in line with the long term plan. This way, the plan will easily be achieved.
Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, an online network of websites devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. The sites encompass a wide variety of health and fitness activities including general health matters, pilates, yoga, crossfit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, and more. Also covered are Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Positive Thinking, the Law of Attraction and related topics. Those interested can visit the HF & S Club home site at http://www.healthfitnessandsport.com 

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8125032

Monday, 11 January 2016

You have what it takes to become what you want to be

You can do it, just make the first step.  You can conquer the world

Great video, isn't it??  Let me know what you think, leave a comment.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

How to set Goals and achieve them

Make the reason for achieving your goals so strong that you are forced to be committed and take the right actions.

Check out this Tony Robbins guide on how to set goals.

Let me know what you think......

Friday, 8 January 2016

How to Develop a Powerful Mindset

How do we develop a powerful mindset? How do we allow our mind to lead and guide us to do amazing things in this life? These are questions that we must answer to understand how success is achieved in anything today. Most people are not aware how powerful and amazing our mind is. The steps taken to develop a powerful mindset are the following: focus on the one, take it personal, see the future, and lead the pack.
The "one" is you. Believe in yourself and understand that you are a unique, talented creature that has something to offer to this world. Use your great mind to create a positive attitude about you and the experiences that you have encountered. Realize that you are here on this earth for a specific purpose, and to make a difference. Your mindset will begin to develop and transform you into the person you have dreamed of becoming, the one in control and ready for success.
The next step in developing a powerful mindset is committing yourself to grow through personal development. Personal Development icon, Jim Rohn, said it this way, "learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job." The study of personal development takes commitment and discipline, and it is a life long journey. In order for you to change how you think, you need to embrace new ideas and new thoughts. This will lead to a shift in mindset that leads to change and growth within you, preparing you for greater relationships and accomplishments in the future.
Another step in the getting that powerful mindset that you and many other people desire, is to visualize yourself already in possession of that mindset. Daily visualization of a particular state of the mind, will eventually produce the reality that you are trying to accomplish. The Bible says, "without a vision, the people perish." Remember Napoleon Hill, see it, believe it, and achieve it. Create and operate in that powerful mindset that will catapult you to great heights.
The last step in developing a powerful mindset is, being the leader that people are searching for. People are searching for someone that they like, and that they can trust. A leader in this category has set themselves apart from the masses because they are confident, passionate, and disciplined. By putting themselves out there, they have developed a mindset that attracts others and classifies them as a 3% leader with a powerful mindset. Lead the pack and never look back.
So, if you believe in yourself and know who you are, if you have committed to the study of personal development, if you see yourself as being more than you are, and if you are in that small percentage of leadership that most people are searching for, you are well on your way to developing and maintaining a powerful mindset that will lead you to the success and happiness you desire, along with others who have chosen to emulate you.

Jesse is a home business entrepreneur assisting like-minded people create the freedom they desire as well as achieve their income goals, by following a simple business model. Go to http://www.workingathome.co/5344 to learn about this simple business model.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4461232