Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Developing Your Personal Philosophy

Rohn: 7 Tips for Developing Your Personal Philosophy

Your philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out. This is how to build a meaningful one. 

August 9, 2015 
Jim Rohn was broke at 25 and a millionaire by 31. How does an Idaho farm boy make it to Beverly Hills? This is how…
At 25, there was nothing in my bank and I needed to provide for my family. As I was considering what to do, I met John Earl Shoaff, a wealthy entrepreneur who became my employer for the next five years. He revolutionized my life and taught me the importance of developing my personal philosophy, to look for those few things that make the most difference and to spend most of my time doing those things. It isn’t a complex or mystical process but a principle that can make a difference in how your life turns out.
While there are many puzzle pieces for success, without developing a sound philosophy the other pieces are of little value. So as you go forward on this journey toward success, remember to:
1. Set your sail.
The winds of circumstance blow upon all of us. We all have experienced the winds of disappointment, despair and heartbreak, but why do people arrive at such different places at the end of the journey? Have we not all sailed upon the same sea?
The major difference isn’t circumstance; it’s the set of the sail, or the way we think—it’s what we do after we’ve set our sails and the wind decides to change direction. When the winds change, we must change. We have to struggle to our feet and reset the sail in a manner that will steer us in the direction of our own deliberate choice. The set of the sail, or how we think and how we respond, has a far greater capacity to destroy our lives than any challenges we face. How quickly we respond to adversity is far more important than adversity itself.
The great challenge of life is to control the process of our own thinking.
2. Learn from success and failure.
The best way to establish a new and powerful personal philosophy is to objectively review the conclusions you’ve drawn about life. Any conclusion you’ve drawn that isn’t working for you could be working against you. The best way to counteract misinformation and wrong data is to input new and accurate information. Gather information from personal experience. If you’re doing something wrong, evaluate what you did wrong and change things.
Seek an objective, outside voice about how you are and what you’re doing. An objective opinion from someone you respect can lead you to early and accurate information about your decision-making process. Listen to the freshness of an outside voice—someone who can see the forest and isn’t lost in the trees.
Observe the successes and failures of other people. If people who failed were to give seminars, it would be helpful. You could see how people mess up and you wouldn’t do what they did. Past failures and errors prompt us to amend current conduct so we don’t replicate the past.
Study from people who do well. Each of us should be in a constant search for people we admire and respect and whose behavior we can model. It’s far better to deliberately choose the people we will permit to influence us than to allow bad influences to affect us without our conscious choice.
3. Read all you can.
People from all walks of life who’ve had some of the most incredible experiences have taken the time to write of these experiences so we can be instructed and amend our philosophies.
The contributions of other people enable us to reset our sails based upon their experiences. Books offer treasures of information that can change our lives, fortunes, relationships, health and careers for the better.
There are two books you need to read to build your philosophy: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason.
4. Keep a journal.
A journal is a gathering place for all of our observations and discoveries about life. It’s our own handwritten transcript that captures our experiences, ideas, desires and conclusions about the people and the events that have touched our lives. The past, when properly documented, is one of the best guides for making good decisions.
The very act of writing about our lives helps us think more objectively about our actions. Writing tends to slow down the flow of information and gives us time to analyze and ponder the experience. The intense scrutiny of journal writing can enable us to make refinements in our philosophy that are truly life-changing.
Jot down what you learn and be a buyer of empty books. It’s the small disciplines that lead to great accomplishments.
5. Observe and listen.
Pay attention during your day, watch what’s going on. Surround yourself with people you respect and admire. Find people whose personalities and achievements stimulate, fascinate and inspire you, and then strive to assimilate their best qualities. This is called the skill of selecting. Don’t waste your time on the silly and the shallow.
One of the major reasons people don’t do well is because they keep trying to get through the day while a more worthy cause is to get from the day. We must become sensitive enough to observe and ponder what is happening around us. Be alert. Be awake. Often the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among seemingly insignificant events.
Be a good listener. Find a voice of value and stay for a while. With so many voices vying for your attention, you need to develop the skill of selective listening and only dial into the radio station that appeals to you. If a voice is not leading to the achievement of your goals, exercise caution in how long you listen.
6. Be disciplined.
Every day is filled with dozens of personal crossroads, moments when we’re called upon to make a decision regarding minor as well as major questions. These decisions chart a path to a future destination. With careful mental preparation, we can make wise choices.
The development of a sound philosophy prepares us for making sound decisions. When we eat healthy foods, we experience positive results in a short time. When we start exercising, we feel a new vitality almost immediately. When we begin reading, we experience a growing awareness and a new level of self-confidence.
New disciplines practiced daily will produce exciting results. The magic of new disciplines causes us to amend our thinking.
7. Don’t neglect.
Neglect is the major reason people don’t have what they want. If you don’t take care of things in your life, neglect becomes a disease. If you neglect to do good things with your money, you probably neglect to do good things with your time. If you don’t know what’s going on with your health or your bank account, you could be at risk.
Set up new disciplines to change your life. Don’t neglect. Everything is within our reach if we will read books, use journals, practice the disciplines and wage a new and vigorous battle against neglect.
Build your philosophy. Commit yourself to a new journey and say, I’m going to change my life. Once you do, you’ll never look back.

Article Source Rohn: 7 Tips for Developing Your Personal Philosophy

Monday, 7 December 2015

The Essential Element in Your Personal Strategic Plan

our purpose or your mission in life provides you with a sense of direction and focus. It is the essential element in your personal strategic plan. If you are without a mission you are like a boat adrift in the sea without any wind at your sails. The waves or life events just rocks your boat from side to side.
Clarify Your Mission
To clarify a mission for yourself you must first clarify your values and be certain of what rocks your boat. As an example, if you value lifelong learning and personal development, then your life will reflect that both in your occupation and personal life.
To expand on this further, consider someone who has retired and has a substantial pension whereby he can construct his day in whatever way he chooses. If that individual values personal development and lifelong learning, instead of lying around all day and letting his brain deteriorate, he would endeavor to learn something new, perhaps do some writing, join an organization, and make a contribution to society.
Have a Set Definite Objective
If you value the life a life of riches and living a life of luxury, you must have a set definite objective - - that is of becoming rich. It will be necessary to set a dollar amount that you want to achieve by a certain date, such a focus will provide you with a mission or a purpose to your life. You will need to envision this mission, embed it in your subconscious mind and let your actions be guided by this mission.
This particular focus will require you to set aside certain pleasures, or fleshly desires, in the interest of realizing this mission. An athlete who is devoted to becoming the best in his profession will practice his craft relentlessly, often at the expense of hanging out with his friends or playing video games. If he has the natural abilities and willingness to put in the work, he will not only rise to the top, but his income will also rise to meet his expectations.
Consistently Learn and Improve
If you are in sales, you must not only know your product in and out, but consistently study the sales process itself and how to identify the elements in the sales process that would best sell the product to your customers. Beyond that you must identify the characteristics of your best customer and the best approach to engaging and selling this customer. And finally, you must set some sales goals, broken out into a monthly basis, and begin your effort.
And for a final illustration, let's say you want to be a great parent for your children. In this effort you must learn the unique differences in your children, conscientiously identify their strengths, and consistently praise their efforts in mastering academic tasks, carrying out household chores, and establishing healthy relationship with their peers.
Overall whatever your mission is in your life, once established, it will give you a focus that will help you to set priorities, and live a life worth living. You can then look back and be proud of your accomplishments as you continue your journey.
Want to expand on your personal strategic plan? Read 3 Essential Steps to Becoming Productive at You Control Your Destiny to continue your worthy ideal. Will Barnes is a nationally sought after speaker and leadership consultant who has helped thousands of individuals and organizations to excel.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Will_Barnes/170374 Or
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9231899

Sunday, 6 December 2015

You'll make a complete revolution when you watch this

How to turn my life around theme

If you watch Jim Rohn's video and you do not feel the least bit of inspiration to turn your life around then something must be wrong somewhere.  I have started to watch a piece of this video daily.  Its my little coach for the extra push I need sometimes.

It's a little bit long but I would suggest you watch a piece daily........

I hope you enjoy it the way that I have.  I am longing forward to my best year ever now and 2016

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Taking the first step towards what we were born to do

Taking the first step require us to realise that we all great in our own right and once we make that decision to move forward, then there is no stopping once we stay focus.

"Our mind is always more powerful than we think"

I've found this great article:

How to identify your first self-empowerment goal

As soon as you've made that decision, it's time to target where you like to change your life. What goals do you desire to set? And most importantly, what is the first goal you're intending to tackle?

You may have career goals like going back to school, getting a promotion, or starting your own company. You may have personal goals like finding a partner or spouse, improving your finances, or buying a home.
Usually, the key to success with any goal is to focus and take manageable and small steps. If you want to start a business then you'll ideally make a list of the steps required to achieve that goal. Each step can then be a smaller and more attainable goal.

You can add another goal to your plan once you're on the path to achieving one goal and have taken some significant steps toward success. Many people have more than just one goal, but attempting to prioritize them both at the same time can be overwhelming.

Being self-empowered means that you have made the conscious choice to control your life-- all areas of your life. Rather than being the victim of others, of circumstance, or even of your very own negative or limiting thinking, you've decided to take life by the reins, make your personal decisions and set your very own goals.
Which goal will you focus on? Consider the following ideas and questions:

Choosing the self-empowerment goal that you target first may feel overwhelming. Enjoy the process of becoming empowered and taking control over every aspect of your life.
* What goal will have the biggest effect on your life? Sometimes one goal on your list will make the biggest definer for you. 

That may possibly be the most effective place to start.
Most often, the key to success with any goal is to focus and take manageable and small steps. If you want to start a business then you'll ideally make a list of the steps required to achieve that goal. * What goal will have the biggest impact on your life? Another option is to focus on the simplest and easiest goal. What goal do you want to focus on?

* What goal feels necessary to move forward? There may be a goal on your list that just logically comes.
Another option is to focus on the simplest and easiest goal. Create a pattern of success by starting with goals that you know you can achieve.
All things aside, what goal on your list gives you the biggest smile or sense of inspiration? What goal do you want to focus on?

Article source http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/how-to-identify-your-first-self-empowerment-goal

Thursday, 26 November 2015

How to make affirmations work for you

During my reading today, I found this great article that explains the truth about affirmation and how to make them work for you.

Hope you enjoy it.

Affirmations: The secret to making them work for you!

Positive affirmations are all over the internet (specifically social media sites like Pinterest and Facebook) 
But they’re not just some fancy saying.
People believe that if affirmations are used properly, they can change your life.
Well, according to theory, if you say them over and over again your mind will start believing them;
And belief is one of the most powerful predictors of success.
But do affirmations really work?
Well the answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. 
Tony Robbins, Life Coach and Self-help guru extraordinaire doesn’t think so. 
He personally attests to incantations which are essentially affirmations combined with movement, intended to get an emotional charge out of you. 
In fact Tony has personally been using Incantations for over 30 years and is a big part of his personal success; which at a net worth of $480 million dollars (as of April 2015) is no small feat.
But there is another way

A secret way of using affirmations that is supported by academic research. It’s called the REINFORCEMENT 
The academic community calls them self-affirmations and according to research, it’s all about HOW you use them that make all the difference.
So in the academic World many studies have been done on self-affirmation and its impact but instead of trying to figure all of that out for yourself, here are the important points and how it can help you change your life. 
In order to achieve lasting change through Affirmations, three items are absolutely necessary:
Accepting what you’re affirming. If you affirm the following:
"I am amazing at spotting and acting on all opportunities that come my way"
Are you going to believe it? 
If the answer is no then put a big X on accepting what you’re affirming. Suddenly your affirmation becomes nothing more than meaningless words you tell yourself. You might as well say:
"I'm a green banana that leaps tall buildings in a single bound"
Motivation for Change –
Okay so you believe what you’re saying, but are you going to do anything about it? 
It would definitely be a big fat no if you’re not accepting what you’re affirming, but you’re much more likely if you do. 
Subsequent Behaviour –
So you believe you are amazing at spotting and acting on all opportunities that come your way (or that you’re a green banana!) and you’re motivated to use that in achieving financial freedom for example;
Will you follow up with the appropriate behaviour?
Well the good news is that if you affirm correctly you’re far more likely to accept, be motivated and act on it then if you don’t. 
So what does this all mean?
How exactly do you do proper self-affirmations?
Well, two things are needed. 
You NEED to believe it and you need to build support around it to move from belief to motivation to action.

In order to believe an affirmation, you have to believe it to be true in at least one aspect of your life. 
It doesn’t even have to be in the area of your life you want to improve (at first). 
So let’s say;
You want to lose weight but cannot find the motivation to exercise. Saying “I’m motivated” over and over in the context of losing weight won’t be very effective. 
But what if you stop for a moment and think about another aspect of your life where you are or have been motivated. 
For example, you are very successful in your career and you’re motivated to do the best you can in your job. 
Well doesn’t that mean you are motivated in at least one aspect of your life? 
And if you can be motivated in one aspect, isn’t it entirely possible to be motivated in other? Absolutely! 
Now the affirmation doesn’t seem so unbelievable, does it! Of course not. 
Is that enough to actually motivate you into action? Maybe. It depends on the person. If you’re like most people, it won’t be enough. Fortunately there is another step.

What the academics have discovered is that in a lot of cases it’s not enough to simply say it. 
What they have found is that you’re much more likely to alter your behaviour with the proper support around that affirmation. 
And that means taking that affirmation (I’m motivated as evidenced in the pursuit of my career) and write down the details behind that. 
Specifically examples of times when you were/are motivated. 
What that does is it opens your mind to the possibility that this affirmation can apply in other areas of your life and now you have real-life examples to support it. 
And that’s it! Instead of taking the 10 minutes you would use to say something you don’t believe over and over again, take the time to try the Reinforcement Affirmation Technique (R.A.T.) and see if it works for you.
It has a much better chance of positively affecting you. 
Now there are some additional tips I’d like to offer:
If you can’t find any aspect of your current life where the affirmations seems to ring true, then search your past and try and find examples that provide support.
If you’re having trouble figuring out an affirmation to explore further, read them out loud and see which ones touch a nerve. If one of them does, it’s your subconscious nudging you to look into it further, because there is some truth behind it.
Finally, if nothing is working, enlist the help of someone who you can trust and have them shed some light on which affirmation(s) are true in some aspect of your life.
I hope you found this useful and I would love to hear your feedback.

Article source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/affirmations-the-secret-to-making-them-work-for-you

Sunday, 22 November 2015

What is the most effective use of your time

Self development is a must for everyone who wants any kind of success as practising self development techniques generally forces us to 

1. Think about and create personals goals and visions. 
2. Take the necessary steps to turn those goals into actionable plans.

Many times we tell ourselves that we are short on time, why can't we take the next step to self motivate and move on to where we would life to be.  Just remember, if it really means something to you, then you will make the time.

What are the benefits of effectively managing your time?

- More time to do what you really want

- Improves your productivity and efficiency

- Reduces the type of risks you take  (eg. don't be late and then speed down the motor way to get to where you need to be for 9am.)

- Better decision making

- You won't get yourself stressed.

What is the most effective use of our time?

Too frequently we hug tasks that can be easily done by someone else.  Learn to delegate, delegating is the key as you can achieve two things, 1.  you get a chance to teach someone to develop a new skill or just learn something new 2. You achieve your goals without doing too much of the mundane tasks that tend to hold us back from getting ahead. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

How to Overcome Leadership Challenges

5 Ways to Overcome Leadership Challenges

An important part of creating a solid online brand and a solid business both online and offline is leadership. That said, anyone who steps up to be a leader is going to encounter challenges. One of the true tests of leadership is how you overcome the leadership challenges that will come no matter how great of a leader you are. 
Here are five effective ways you can overcome leadership challenges and become a star leader:

1. Ask yourself: “What is right with this situation?” Whenever you encounter a challenge to your leadership, no matter how bad the situation may seem, there is always something right or good about it. Make a list of all the things that are right and avoid dwelling on the wrong. Analyzing what is right can lead you to a better understanding of what happened to cause any problem or challenge that you are experiencing. Furthermore you can also get clues about how to avoid leadership challenges in the future by predicting what may happen in the future as well.

2. Search for and focus on solutions rather than problems. Make a list of all of the solutions to the leadership problem or challenge. Avoid being judgmental at first and write down anything that you could do that comes to mind. If there are other people involved ask for their opinion and then proceed solving each problem one at a time with what you have determined to be the most productive solution.

3. Learn from other successful and effective leaders. One of the best ways to become a star leader is to read books written by others who have paved the way before or to interview them or to find ways to associate with them. Take note of what they do or what they did when they encountered leadership challenges that were similar to yours. Pay attention to how they thought and what they did and worked on as a person as well as what they did with those they lead. Effective leaders are created by who you become as a person in addition to the actions you take.

4. Practice positive thinking and motivation. This can only help and improve your leadership. In addition you will be better prepared when those challenges that you know will come appear in your life. Positive thinking also helps you to tolerate and even embrace frustration, failures and challenges.

5. Ask for help. Admit it, sometimes you will need help to overcome your leadership challenges. Turn to someone who has been through the same experience that you have or something similar and ask for their advice. If the situation is severe you may even need to hire them to help you or somehow otherwise obtain assistance. Avoid thinking that this shows weakness since everyone needs help from time to time and a sign of a great leader is that they are humble and open to receiving help when needed.
Know that you can overcome any leadership challenge that is thrown your way and that in doing so you will become a stronger person and you will be viewed as someone that people want to emulate both online and offline.

Article Source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/5-ways-to-overcome-leadership-challenges

Sunday, 1 November 2015

How to lead ones self into the desired direction? Personal Leadership

I recently wrote about a couple of steps to help with self motivation. How do you actually put yourself in the position to actually make the decision about what you want and make that first step?  In making that first step you have to put the word 'tomorrow' out of your mind. "Never put off what you can do today to tomorrow".  That world should not exist in your vocabulary when it comes to your aspirations and your future.  You must learn to be your own leader.  

I have found this great article on personal leadership by Joe Farcht,which you might find interesting
Personal Leadership Definition
Personal leadership is the ability and desire to crystallize your thinking and to establish a specific direction and destination for your own life. It includes the courage, choice, and commitment to move in that direction by taking committed and determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you visualize for your future. 

Building Personal Leadership
Critical to your work and personal success is building your own personal leadership. There is no substitute to learning more about yourself, acquiring knowledge and wisdom, practicing new skills, and developing more of your personal potential for greatness. Building personal leadership is absolutely essential to your long-term achievements, success, and happiness. However, what I observe is that many people are so busy that they find no time to create a brighter future for themselves. 
When you build personal leadership you develop your own capacity to work smarter. You improve your effectiveness and productivity. You develop a focus for your life endeavors through developing clear statements of vision, purpose, mission, and values. You make steady conscious progress toward your planned goals, dreams, and aspirations. You become a model of personal leadership for those you interact with. You qualify yourself to become an effective organizational leader. You become aware of the potential pitfalls that could derail you in your work and life. You march confidently down the path of life knowing you are on “purpose.” You easily say “Yes” to the life you should live and “No” to the parts of life that would distract you from your mission.
Many business people believe that developing leadership in their organizations is important and I concur. Building personal leadership precedes building organizational leadership. Examine your own personal development plans and actions. If you are not daily and consciously developing your personal leadership, then you will be ineffective at helping the people who work for you develop their leadership skills. It all starts with you. You have a choice today. What will your choice be?

The original article can be found at http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Definition_Leadership.html

Saturday, 24 October 2015

6. Steps to self motivate and keep momentum

I must admit starting your personal development journey is not an easy plight, but just tell yourself you are climbing a hill and once you get over the slope things will get better.  The real enjoyment is your goal which is at the top of the hill.  Focus on what is at the top of your hill.

You have to really want to change and you’ll find that it can become easier to find the strength to keep pushing.  

First and foremost you must know what is at the top of the hill that you must have then write it down and commit to it.  You will find setting a target date makes it very exciting and encourages you to do something everyday.  I personally recommend this..... If you want it badly enough you must make it time bound!

How do you self motivate while you are climbing the hill?  Here are my top 6 strategies.

1.  Always stay positive.  Having a positive mind sets you up to have a positive attitude to face your challenges and weather the storm.

2. Never stop learning.  Try to read at least one hour a day, if you can’t do one hour then at least start off with trying with 1/2hr a day. As you get going you will find how easy it is to read for an hour a day.  If you drive to work you could listen to self development audios.  If you take the train like myself, make use of the opportunity aboard to read something while travelling. 
You will gain confidence and learn to trust in your ability and makes it easier for you to find opportunities that helps you to achieve your goal.

3. KISS - Keep It Sweet and Simple,  use tiny little reminders of what your goals are, maybe  little stickers at your work desk or your bedside table. Just something to remind you daily of your dreams and goals that you are working towards.  I use the little reminder function on my iPhone. So everyday at different times of day my little goals pop up on my phone screen.

4. Monitor your progress
You should set a side sometime for yourself to simple just see how you are doing.  There is no point doing something and not having any idea if you are making an head way or not.  This gives you a chance to assess where you are and evaluate whether any changes should be made to your current actions.  You may choose do this one a week or once per month but in my opinion this is something that is required.

5. Try to help others, in helping others you end up learning more than the person your help. In other words the more you teach, the more you learn.

6. Do something different sometimes.  In climbing your hill sometimes the zeal  you had at the start of the journey begins to wear off.  Take some time out,  go with friends, take a day off, or a week off.  This down time can give you the energy you need to continue climbing the hill.  Take a look at some marathon runners, you will find mid distance they stop to get water to refresh, splash a dash of water on their face, cool down then keep going.

Oh well, maybe its actually 7!

7.  Just don’t lose sight of the top of hill. Take your goal(s) seriously, whatever that is!

Friday, 25 September 2015

Writing Down Your Thoughts Will Make You a Better Thinker

So many things happen around us each day that it's nearly impossible for us to remember them all. Although, our thought process is quite complicated, still it can be fascinating enough. All we need to do is maintain a journal, and daily write down all the things that happened throughout the day. Once we make this our habit, we will find that our thought process has improved, and can remember all the details, which otherwise we would not have recalled under normal circumstances.

However, make sure to write down your thoughts in a casual manner, and do not analyze them too much. This way you will be able to write down your exact thoughts and will have the freedom to know how you feel about certain topics.

For instance, if you are writing about a special event which you want to remember for times to come, then make sure to pick up all the minor details of that event and write down whatever you remember about it. This will allow you to once again cherish all those moments with clear pictures in mind.

To improve your thought process, make it a habit of writing down something each day. Most of the individuals prefer to write at a day's end, which helps them to relax and settle down in the evening. On the other hand, there are those who love to write in the morning, which helps them get inspiration for that day. However, if you do not like the idea of writing down about the events, which take place on a daily basis, then you can make it a habit of writing about your dreams and later interpret them.

We all have certain goals in our life and we all want to accomplish them. By writing down such goals we get a step closer to achieving them. We become more focused towards our goals, as we have in writing that what we need to achieve and what we must work towards. However, keep in mind to place such information in a place that is in clear sight, so that you can go through it each day.

Set a fixed time to write it down each day. It really doesn't matter whether you write it for 20 minutes or 2 hours, but what really matters is to follow this routine on daily basis. You can write about other subjects too, and there's no need to worry about the grammar or sentence structure. Your focus should be towards making your mind work freely and write whatever is in your mind.

In fact, there is a therapy that helps people write down their thoughts. It allows them to clear their mind of other irrelevant thoughts and write down the info that is relevant to the subject matter. Besides, many individuals found such therapy quite helpful in relaxing them and reducing their stress. However, keep in mind that it's not necessary to completely rely upon such therapy. The whole process should be natural and you have to casually write whatever you remember. The more you make this a habit the better will it be for you to read them again and enjoy them.

Article Source: Writing Down Your Thoughts Will Make You a Better Thinker

Thursday, 24 September 2015

What is the Path to Success?

Self Improvement – The Clear Path To Success

By Don Weyant/Founder SelfImprovementBrain.com

As the Self Improvement saying goes, "the wiser I become, the more I know how much more there is to know."
The tools I share worked for me. They are not the only way, but a way: a way that has guided me towards a level of internal peace and an unconditional love of self. This kind of love transcends judgement and blame. 

It doesn't mean goody-goody, nicey-nicey.
It does mean balanced sharing, acceptance of self and reality in all moments, service in a non-judgemental state, compassionate loving allowance. 
Important as the journey of unfolding the inner love through self-discovery and enlightenment is, it is as important to enjoy life, to be able to develop the ability to laugh at our antics, play with our children, to have balanced sharing, laughter, and a joyful outlook on life while having the time of our lives all along the way. In short 'lighten up'.

Do not get caught up in the process of attaining your dream where you forget to live life.
Smile, laugh, and play like a child in the mystery of the breath that supports life. If your focus remains in attainment, you will always be attaining. See your dream as a reality. A reality you are already living internally by allowing the adventure to empower self through the passion of living wholly your moment-to-moment experiences.

Unfold an expanded level of self-awareness by being aware of the reality you are creating.
Continue and build upon the knowing that all that is created is for purpose and good. The purpose is to learn what you are requiring to learn so you can project an expanded level of the internal love. Discover within the created situation what it is you desire to know.
Check yourself emotionally; are you holding onto any fear? 

If so, remember: fear creates losses.
If not, go beyond the quest, so you can see yourself as you desire to see yourself. Have faith that whatever is for your highest good will be given unto you. Then follow your heart, your first inclination of direction. 
Through your daily prayers and meditations, continue to ask for guidance, offer your concerns to a higher source, then go about your day in full faith that your highest good will unfold in perfect timing.
Realize that any form of doubt is created through the limiting aspect of the mind, drawing from past experiences, or future fears of what ifs. Limitations that in reality, have nothing to do with the moment now.

Create your dream through the knowing that your worth is not from anything external you place in your life, yet you are worth all things.
Employing a trust that crates a position of strength stability, abundance and the peaceful power that refined unconditional love (love in its purest form) always supports. 
Creating from fear, a sense for of one's perception of love, may be a motivation to act (i.e., if I don't do this, I won't eat). 

It is however, the ability to move through the fear that dis-empowers self, so you can expand your levels of self-realization, inner fulfilment, and abundance in all areas of life.

Article Source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/self-improvement-the-clear-path-to-success

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

We all need a little help in life to inspire us and push us closer towards our goals

Whatever goals you have be it financial, spiritual, or personal; we all need a helping hand to inspire us and keep us on track.  Here is a a great article on why you should consider a life coach.


Life Coaches help you with ways to Inspire Yourself for moving ahead in Life

Finding a life coach if you belong to the international black community is not that difficult nowadays. However, there are still things to think about before you hire someone to help you get through a phase of life or understand your spiritual being in great detail. There are concerns you need to understand and find solutions for. Your life isn't turning put the way you thought it would and you are seeking answers for your failure all over; however, if you aren't spiritually inspired, you may find it difficult to find solutions for problems that are giving you a really hard time. These are the situations when you are looking for ways to inspire yourself, but you aren't able to find any.
Life coaching can be the answer to all the questions hitting you hard all the time. The feeling of discontentment and the feeling of being lost in a world that has nothing for you are some situations that would require someone to be with you and help you let go of yourself.
As you look for a life coach, make sure you find someone from the African-American community, who will have the knowledge of problems that are specific to this community.
A lot of people confuse life coaching with counseling; however, the basis of both of these has a stark difference. Counseling helps people in dealing with their psychological and mental problems by carefully studying their history. On the other hand, life coaching is something that believes in creating newer opportunities and helping a person see life with a more positive frame of mind. When you start asking yourself - why is this happening to me, why has God put me in this miserable state and why did he even sent me on this earth; you seriously need a life coach to get you out of this hazardous situation. With time and proper coaching, you will develop a frame of mind that will help you finding a way out of these tough situations, and leading a life of happiness and fulfillment.

All you need to do is to conduct an introspection of your inner self, start taking responsibility for all your actions and to bring the drive back into your life to do better things. When you will be able to let yourself be and get your act together, it will be smooth sailing as usual for you.
Spiritual Life coaches empower you to tread a path that brings you happiness, health and wealth.

Article Source: Life Coaches help you with ways to Inspire Yourself for moving ahead in Life

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

How easy is it to think positively?

How To Start Think Positively?

Positive Thinking is the possibility thinking, which holds a magical power within it.
The first step of positive thinking process is to avoid negative thoughts. Initially, you may get difficulty to always think positively. It will take some time, one or two months. If negative thoughts come to enter into your mind, tell them" I am a positive thinker, I don't allow useless fellow like you". You can't stop negative thoughts, but you can control. You should have complete control of your mind.
If you are committed to your thoughts, you could see the power of the positive thinking. Once you start thinking positively, it will get accelerate, then you could concentrate more on your goal. Everything depends on our thinking, if we think that is possible, 100% possible. Always think like a winner and make winning a habit. Even under any circumstance, don't think negatively. Try to mingle with positive people and get some positive points from them.
Build up strong desire and determination to be positive and optimistic. Making yourself open to the new possibilities plays a vital role in thinking positively.      
Positive thinking is like a search engine, if you enter a right keyword, you will get results of accurate pages, likewise if you think positively, you will see dozens of new possibilities. Stop negative forces, remove negative thoughts and start thinking positively. Begin your day by seeing your face in the mirror with a pleasant smile and do the same before going to the bed.
Once you start thinking positively, don't look towards bad past incidents. Your attention should only be towards what you want to achieve. Read the biography of successful persons, that effectively inspires you, and fill up your mind with positive thoughts. Note down good things by the end of everyday.
You should have at least a single objective or goal, which helps you to adapt to the positive mindset rapidly. Objective means what is your quality or interest. Only having objective or goal is not enough in this case, you also need to work wholeheartedly and with dedication towards fulfilling reaching your goal. Always think "what I can do".
Meditate daily at least for 10 minutes (preferably in the early morning), during that period, think about your that day's works and also think "how I can do that works in the best possible manner". Try to be cool, calm and enthusiastic. Love and respect yourself, which is key to start thinking positively.

Monday, 21 September 2015

When things get tough financially - Stop|Assess|make a plan to transform

Sometimes we find ourselves in situation that will cause us to panic, the key thing to do if we find that we are in a place of difficulty is to pause for a moment, and assess the situation, think about what are the causes of this situation and how you can take yourself out of this situation.   In terms of financial hardship then you should be looking at whether you are spending too much and find ways to boost your income.  Ask yourself,  'How can I increase my income'? and think about possible opportunities around you.

Here is a great article with little strategies that can help you if you are struggling financially in a tough economy


How to Improve your Personal Finances in Today's Struggling Economy

While the economy has rebounded considerably in many areas of the country since it crashed a few years ago, many people continue to struggle. Some of the most common reasons people struggle financially relates to high debt levels, low savings balances and insufficient budgeting efforts. If you are committed to the goal of improving your personal financial situation despite the struggling economy, you may be wondering what steps you can take to accomplish this goal. The good news is that improving your personal financesmay be easier to accomplish than you might think, but it will require regular effort on your part. 

Monitor Your Finances Daily
Many people have already created a budget, and if you have not already done so, now is a great time to complete this important step. However, many people who have a budget do not use it as the excellent resource that it can be. A budget can tell you how much money you have available to spend until the next pay period as well as how the rest of your funds are allotted. If you are like most people, you may spend money every day on groceries, gas, meals and more. In order to remain on track with your budget, it is important to get into a routine of monitoring your finances daily. Once your budget is established, it should only take a few minutes of time to review your financial standing so that you are aware of your status going forward.

Consolidate Debt
Debt is a common issue for many people, and this debt may be from credit cards, student loans, car loans and more. When you have too many payments to keep track of, it may be easy to overlook a payment. It can also make you feel stressed out when you are regularly bombarded by bills in your inbox or mailbox. A great idea is to consolidate some or all of your debts into a personal debt consolidation loan or a home equity loan. Take time to explore the options to find the best solution for you. You may be able to lower your interest charges, lower your monthly debt payments and pay the debt off more quickly in some cases. 

Take Advantage of Low Interest Rates
Even if you do not consolidate your debt, you may be able to lower your interest rate with some debts. Interest rates are very low currently, so refinancing your car loan, your student loans or even your home mortgage may benefit you. This can lower payments and may make it easier for you to lower your debt balances as well. 

Automate Your Savings
While it is important to focus on lowering your debt balances and making your debts easier to manage, it is also important to save money on a regular basis. If you are not currently in the habit of saving money, the best way to do this is to create an automatic transfer of funds from your checking account into a savings account on the day your paychecks are scheduled to be deposited. You can start small, and you can increase the amount of money that is transferred as your budget allows. Another variation on this is to use a share builder program to make regular stock purchases. This is a smart idea after you have a small nest egg accumulated in a rainy day fund.

Use Personal Checks That Are Best for You
Tracking your spending is also important, and many people will use personal checks to pay for different items over the course of a month. The best personal checks to use are those with carbon copies or that have stubs on the side that allow you to jot details for each check that you write. You can also make your finances fun by choosing a unique check design. 
Many people feel challenged by their current financial status, but keep in mind that improving your personal finances is something that is accomplished with baby steps. Every day presents an opportunity for you to pay off more debt and to increase your savings balances with the decisions you make. Tracking your progress on a monthly basis can help you to see the progress you are making and can help you to stay motivated to stay on track with your efforts.

Article Source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/how-to-improve-your-personal-finances-in-todays-struggling-economy

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Dream Blockers

Dream blockers, you have them, I have them, we all have them. These are the people in our lives that try to deter us from following our dreams. These people are normally compromised of our, family members, friends, relationship partners, co-workers, etc. Unlike any average hater, who is always hoping for your downfall and they don’t wish to see you succeed in any area of your life. The Dream Blockers manifest their “hate”(the reason I put quotations around hate is because the dream blocker is still hating on you, but it’s not in way that’s meant to demean you, but in a way they feel like they’re helping you) in a different way. I call this the “realest” way.

These are the people who are constantly telling you to be responsible; you don’t need to worry about that because you’re doing well over here. Here are the more common one’s I hear on a day to day basis, “Are you sure you want to go after that job you already have stability in this one.” Or “Why do you want to major in that? Are you even going to be able to find a job or even be able to make money doing that once you graduate?” You know just here recently I have been talking to a lot of people about getting the courage to follow their dreams, but the number one reason why they won’t commit is because the dream blocker(s) are holding them back. But there has to come a time in our life, where we ask ourselves am I a me pleaser or a people pleaser?

Now before I get all these comments talking about, “Bre I work in a customer service environment where I have to make people happy all the time, so what are you talking about?” I’m not talking about that. However, what I am talking about is not living your life as your own, but in a way other people control it. I’m going to let you know something guys, you only have ONE life to live, and when you look back 10, 20, 50 years from now. What will you see? Do you want to be known for taking the risk for following your dreams or do you want to be known for playing it safe because that dream blocker was always in your ear?

So, I’m going to close with this. Guys don’t live your life trying to keep someone else happy. You live your life in a way where you are concerned about keeping yourself happy. The life you have is nobody else’s but your own. Ultimately when it comes down to going after your dream, it’s going to be your responsibility to go after it regardless if anybody is in your corner supporting you or not. Of course it’s not going to be easy, but with a lot of hard work and determination anything is possible. And remember if nobody else believes in you I do. Also, always keep this in the back of your head, there is no such thing as tomorrow all you have is today. So, with that in mind let’s get to work on our dreams.

Article source: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/dream-blockers

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How To Become The Person You Want To Be

I've got a bit of news for you.

That version of you, the previous one, the one you keep referencing, is old news.
If you're spending time reminiscing about who you were before, identifying with that version of yourself, then you are seriously limiting who you can become.
Who you were and what you did last year, last decade, or even last night is no more.
Often we draw from our past to describe ourselves in the present, when that might not be who we are today, or more importantly who we want to be today.

In order to transform yourself into who you want to become, you've got to drop your attachment to the details of before – unless of course you'd like them to continue.

Do you find yourself saying things like:
"Oh, I've worked at the X,Y,Z company for 20 years and have my own business on the side (but I'd like to leave that company and work for myself fulltime)."
"I've been coaching and consulting for 10 years (but I'd really like to expand my focus)."
"I've got an MBA and used to be a manager for a big-wig law firm but now I'm a health and fitness consultant."
When you frame everything with who you used to be (or where you used to work) instead of speaking exclusively about who you are now and what you're working toward, you shackle yourself to the past.
This does not serve you.

It's time to toss out those antiquated ideas you have about yourself and look excitedly inward and forward to identify who you really are.
You have the power to redefine yourself.
You are the creator of your life and the part you play in it.
Speaking of play, let's play a game.

Take a moment to quiet your mind and focus. Then answer these questions:
  • Who are you today?
  • Who are you becoming?
  • What excites you about your life at present?
  • What thrills you about your vision for the future?
  • What feelings are your favorites? Joy, laughter, accomplishment? What else?
  • How do you cultivate those feelings in your life today? Can you create a list?(Hint: Keep doing those things)
Spend some time bathing in the sweetness of the emotions you just cultivated.
Now ask yourself again:

What do you like about who you are today?

What excites you about who you are becoming?

Do this exercise daily until you find yourself routinely paying attention to the positive aspects of where you are now and what you're building.
Start describing yourself in terms of the person you are becoming. You don't have to say them aloud to anyone else, but begin to speak to yourself in those terms.
Begin to identify what you want to accomplish and then start communicating as though it's already appeared.
Tap into a vision for yourself that stirs those positive emotions you cultivated during the exercise above. Just be sure the vision you choose elicits a feeling of excitement and positive anticipation, not lack or impatience.
The future is yours to construct. It is a blank slate.
Start creating that wonderful future now. Start here. Start today.
Start with looking inward and asking "Who do I want to become?"
Then speak as though you already are.
Who are you becoming?

Article Source:http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/how-to-become-the-person-you-want-to-be

Monday, 14 September 2015

Courage: It’s the Secret to Getting Everything You Want in Life

By Preston Ely 

When I was in seventh grade, I got beat up by a skinny little girl with an umbrella.
To paint that picture perfectly clear, I’m saying a girl about 3/8 my size took her umbrella and beat the ever-living crap out of me with it. In front of people. It was a Hello Kitty umbrella to add insult to minor injuries. It seemed a little immature to bring a Hello Kitty umbrella to school at that age, but I was in no position to judge.
When I was in junior high, I got beat up by a fifth grader. Bad. I got beat up bad by a fifth grader. Like blood-and-black-eyes bad. I wish this was a joke, but it’s not. It’s history—my personal pathetic history.
All throughout school I did everything I could to avoid fights. I mean, if a skinny little seventh grade girl could do that much damage with a plastic Hello Kitty umbrella, just imagine what a regular boy my own age could do to me with some more normal, heavier inanimate object! Screw that, I laid low. If someone wanted to fight me, I just gave them money. I’m not kidding. I did that a few times.
Now the question you’re asking yourself, which I’d like to answer as quickly as possible so I can get to the part in the story where I learned mixed martial arts and sparred with professional UFC fighters, is this:
“Why were you such a sissy, Preston? I’ve actually never heard of anyone being so much of a sissy as you’ve just described yourself as being.”
Great question. The answer is that my physical impotence was an outward manifestation of my inward lack of courage, the ability to take risks and act in the face of danger either without or in spite of fear. For whatever reason I just didn’t have any.
My lack of courage spilled over into my young adult life and resulted in dysfunctional relationships, financial chaos, emotional instability and a bunch of other stuff that sucks.  And the reason is because it takes courage to be successful in life. I’m tempted to say it’s the root cause of success, but every time I think I’ve figured out the root of success I find something even rootier. Let’s just say it’s one of the core fundamentals.
Eventually I started to work hard to develop this missing attribute. Once I got it solidly in place, everything changed. I now walk with my head high, wallet thick and heart happy. Anyone who pulls that umbrella gimmick on me again will have a serious problem.
Here’s how to go from being wussbag to warrior in 3 easy steps:
1. Figure Out What Happens When You Die
I was at a doctor’s office the other day, and a young intern was asking me questions. I could tell something was wrong.
“Are you OK?” I asked.
“Sure,” he replied. “Just a little nervous about school.”
“Do you have some fears about something?” I queried.
“Of course. Everyone does. Don’t you?”
“No, I don’t. Let me ask you a question. What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen to you on any given day?”
“I could die,” he responded.
“Right. Well, if you know where you’re going when that occurs, and that place happens to be better than this place… then what is there really to fear?”
“Sir, you just made my day,” he said.
“Well, me making your day just made my day. So it’s a great day. Best of luck to you,” I said as he walked out the door with a new look of courage on his face.
Many psychologists believe the fear of death is the number one underlying motive for everything we as humans do. I suggest you get rid of it.
2. Hang Out with Courageous People.
3. Write a List of Every Single Thing You Are Afraid Of. Do Them All.
Scared to ask people out on dates? Go to the mall and ask out every single person you see all day long. They’re just people, not vampires. Usually. You’ll be over your fear by probably the 10th rejection or so. Here’s a good pick up line that I just made up ... “Excuse me, do you happen to have directions to Build-A-Bear? My compass is broken. As a matter of fact, I’m building this for a little homeless child that the government is ignoring for some reason. Maybe you should definitely help me build it. C’mon.” Then just grab their hand and walk them to the store. Trust me, this will work. I’ve got a good feeling about it.
Scared of heights? Go bungee jump at the county fair. You have a better chance of getting shot by gang members at that fair than a tragic jump.
Scared of public speaking? Join Toastmasters.
Scared of reading the very very best, most entertaining yet highly educational articles on the Internet? You’re facing that fear right this second! Congratulations!
It wasn’t until I was well into my adult years that I realized I was still scared to fight. I was rich, happy and healthy, but I decided I needed to face my biggest fear … fighting.
So I did what any abnormal personal would do in that situation… I paid a professional UFC fighter to beat me up on a regular basis—literally. I told him if I wasn’t bleeding or bruised significantly at the end of each session, I would stop paying him.
I got black eyes at least once a week. I got a broken nose that leans to the left now. I got broken ribs. I got beat up so bad that I literally cried like a baby one time—in front of people.
But I also got courage.
The cool thing about courage is that if you gain it in one area, it trickles over into every other area of your life. Ever since I learned how to pretty much kill a man with my bare hands, things like “speaking in front of people” have gotten a lot easier.
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” –Muhammad Ali

Preston Ely is founder and CEO of RealEstateMogul.com, an Inc. magazine "Fastest Growing Company." He has built and sold multiple businesses and was recently voted one of Fast Company's "Most Influential People On The Internet." He makes $0 a year teaching success principles; he makes millions of dollars a year applying them to his own life and businesses. He writes articles for SUCCESS.com for the fun of it. Check him out at PrestonEly.com.

Article Source Courage: It’s the Secret to Getting Everything You Want in Life