Monday, 22 June 2015

Make use of every opportunity

People always give one excuse or the other for their inability to achieve some level of success. The majority of people never achieve true success and fortune, because they always wait for the big opportunity, which never comes. The world is filled to the brim with abundant opportunities. It however takes the binoculars of God to see these opportunities. I am going to illustrate the above statement with a thought provoking story.
Two friends Visited India on vacation. While there, they saw lots of people walking on bare feet. One said to the other," see the level of poverty!" but the other saw a shoe factory. He returned home and began designing shoes, and not only established a shoe factory, which made him a millionaire.
Some see obstacles, while others see opportunities. Never wait for that big break, because it may never come. Build from what you know and love and begin to niche your way to success. No idea is too small to be ignored.
You can make a surprising amount of money from a very small but focused idea, even if others tell you there is no market! We expose ourselves to failure when we foolishly wait for the right opportunity or condition to come before venturing to make a move. There is no guarantee that your life will get better with time; you must take tangible steps to ensure it.

The passing of time does not guarantee the improvement of life, but only what is done in the passing time that does. If you refuse to do anything to improve your circumstances, you will be where you are today in the next four years.
You must stop dreaming and start doing. When you see an opportunity, leap on it.
Life will present to you, many opportunity in the most unusual places. Gone are the days when you wait for the ship to berth. You got to swim into the water and jump into the ship.
H.I. Hunt, the great American oil Magnet, was once asked the secret of his success.
He replied: " success requires two things only. First, you must know exactly what you want. Unfortunately, most people never make this decision. Second, you must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve it and then get busy paying the price"
Every harvest is a product of seed, so never you despise that small opportunity, as it may open doors of bigger opportunity for you.

Article Source: Make use of every opportunity

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