Friday, 26 June 2015

Belief in Yourself

The stronger your belief in yourself, the more you can have and achieve. Believing in yourself, in your abilities and in your capabilities is what makes your reality so undeniable. Today, more than ever, individuals need to believe in themselves and in their individual capabilities. With all the influence of social media, its difficult to differentiate truth from fiction. Its harder and harder to know the facts about any particular subject. I was always told that you can not believe everything you hear as truth, until you know the facts are concrete. 

But it seems to me that the further we move into the future the more we allow social media to control the direction of our future. Its as if the media is
controlling the direction of individuals. Instead of individuals creating the lives in which they desire and following their dreams. We must learn to take to take back control of the influences that we allow in our lives. And this is where our belief in ourselves, helps in the development of self esteem, self development and in our individual successes. There are many tools when used in conjunction with belief that help in propelling you to higher levels. Levels in which were unconceivable before belief.

Belief in yourself helps in acquiring that which you desire. In my past/present education, belief has been the first vital ingredient toward any worth while accomplishment in my development and
life. For if you believe you can do a thing the battle is 90% won. It is truly fascinating how powerful belief in yourself truly is. For if you truly believe, there is not a thing that can/will be held from you. For belief is that power that attracts and brings into your life all you could ever imagine and receive.

Belief is a tool that can be developed in our lives. As it has been stated over and over throughout the
years, it is a tool that can be perfected with proper application and desire.  These applications will be focused on changing and correcting the proper use of true information stored within your subconscious minds. For it is through our subconscious that our belief (our true belief) is uncovered and stored.
So here is the foundation of our belief system, our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is the storage of our thoughts, our life experiences, our beliefs or our definition of our beliefs in things(our perception of how we interpret and see life). It is our connection with infinite intelligence. It is our connection to all others. Our connection to all knowledge and power.  So tapping and redirecting of our subconscious minds is the infinite goal of all mankind. Because if we learn to harness and direct our subconscious, there are no feats that could be of any resistance to us. Their have been many developments in the recent years that have helped in the reprogramming of our beliefs. Affirmations are probably the most commonly used application to improve your life. Some other tools that may be of assistance that are fairly new to the public are subliminal music and subliminal videoes. As time moves further into the future new tools will be developed that will surpass the tools used now to improve on reprogramming of our belief systems.

To learn more about principles of success, self development and self improvement look to my blogs, articles and web sites on improving your number one assets, "your mind". Heres to your success.

Article Source: Belief in Yourself

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