Friday, 5 June 2015

The Top 5 Habits of Happy People

A Quick Preamble:
There are reasons, good reasons, why certain people have reached the state of constant happiness - it's all about things like wonder, self satisfaction, never forgetting ones roots and the inspiration gained from others...
... others who are or have been in worse positions than yourself - but are happy, as well as those fortunates who have gotten themselves into the happy position that you would like to be in.
Cutting To The Chase:
Habit No.1... Be Inspired By Others
  • It never ceases to amaze and is totally inspiring when you take time to notice those that you would consider worse off than yourself i.e. those that are blind or have limbs missing or are born with or have been suddenly stricken with debilitating diseases or afflictions - BUT - they attain happiness... their inner strength and acceptance of their circumstances is truly astounding... it begs the question; "exactly WHY am I unhappy..?".
  • What about those who have followed the tenets and types of advice that are cited and discussed within this site... they have attained happiness via positive thinking, hard endeavour, full commitment to their desires and absolute persistence in taking the necessary steps along their road to success... that warrants full respect and is simply inspirational... why not just emulate their steps to success..!?!
Habit No.2... Share Your Knowledge And Your Time
  • There really is nothing like the act of giving to others... most especially your time and knowledge... Winston Churchill said: "We Make a Living By What We Get, But We Make a Life By What We Give"
  • The man knew what he was talking about and many other very successful people have quoted along the same lines with the self-same theme... and have gone ahead to live full and happy lives.
  • It's one of the main rules of the universe and has been proved time and time again... to receive, you must first give..!
Habit No.3... Always Be Grateful For Everything You Have
  • Happy people are constantly grateful for all the material things they have, even if it took hard work and effort to obtain them... they do not take it or them for granted.
  • Subsequently, the people in your life... if you have wonderful relationships with great friends and loved ones, be grateful... do not take them for granted.
  • There are plenty people in this world who, for whatever reason, are not so fortunate, so you have serious reason to be forever thankful for your bounty..!
Habit No.4... Live For This Moment
  • This moment, here and now is what counts... focus and enjoy what you need to get done today so that you successfully move forward to tomorrow.
  • The past is done-and-dusted... there is no point continuously thinking about your past mistakes or even your past conquests - every day is different and will need to be actioned so that you get to the end of the road you have chosen for your FUTURE success.
  • On that note - do not dwell too much on the future either... what you do now, at this moment, is what will determine your future needs and actions.
Habit No.5... Know The Only Things That You Can Control Are Your Thoughts
  • Although you can guide by providing help and advice, you cannot control
  • l what others think or do - don't let that have negative influence on your desires.
  • Your thoughts are "things" - they WILL become reality if you keep thinking them... that's your negative as well as your positive thoughts, so it's obvious what type of thoughts you should spend the most (all) of your time on - right..?
  • Happy people begin with a dream, a thought... and then make it a solid happenstance..!
A Final Anecdote:
Happiness is a state of mind, not just a simple feeling... if your mind is persistently positive, if your mind is grateful and if your mind does not dwell on past injustices or mistakes and if you make sure your mind doesn't stress too much about the future that you cannot possibly control, then happiness is yours for the taking... take it..!
Here's a simple but very adroit quote - from Abraham Lincoln - for you to remember...
"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
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