Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Creating abundance

Why do you suppose some people seem to "have it all" and others struggle and always fall short? If I told you there is a secret to learning how to be included in the "have it all" category would you be interested in hearing it? The funny part is that it really isn't a secret at all. We've heard others allude to it since we were kids. Do these phrases sound remotely familiar?
Ask and ye shall receive
Your wish is my command
Be thankful for what you have
The biggest part of success is attitude
Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative
Believe and you will prosper
These are all statements that connect with The Law Of Attraction. So....what's that?
The Law Of Attraction means that we attract what we pay attention to. If we continually think about the negative, the things we don't have, the things that are going wrong in our lives, then that's what we'll get more of. Why? Because that's where we're focusing our energy. We are, as you've read in Desiderata, "a child of the universe." We are sources of energy in this universe just as any other source of energy. We improve our chances of success as we use our energy to promote the positive rather than the negative. If you want to have something, focus your energy on the positive - on having it and all that it means to you to have it.
Try this strategy:
Take a few minutes in a quiet spot with no distractions. You may wish to play some soothing music to put you in the mood to relax.
Feel gratitude for what you DO have. Be thankful - it could be, and it has been, worse.
Write down what you want.
Visualize having it.
Feel like you have it. Really allow yourself to "feel" what it would be like to have it. Stay in that moment for awhile, enjoying it, feeling as though you have what it is you want.
Do this 2-3 times each day. One of the times should be at bedtime, just before you go to sleep. At bedtime recall with your thoughts the thing you want, visualize it, feel it and drift off to sleep.
You will begin to see your life change. You will see more positive come into your life because you are using your energy to "attract" more positive. I invite you to try it for awhile. See your life change.
Remember: Change your thoughts and you change your destiny.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/485072

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