Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Fear: Is Fear All In The Mind?

It is often said that human beings can allow their life to be defined by love or fear, and while one is often seen as destructive and the other is often seen as constructive, they both have a purpose. However, problems will arise when someone allows their life to be defined by fear.

Another approach would be to say that love is the answer, and how one's life would be fine if they allowed love to be their guide as opposed to fear. Yet, although this can sound right, it doesn't mean that it is always the best approach.

This would be the same as saying sitting down all the time is unhealthy, and that one should exercise everyday. Clearly, sitting down all day is not good for one's health, but exercising everyday is not necessarily going to be the best option either.

From One Extreme to the Other

If one was an athlete, and needed to prepare for a competition, it might be important for them to train every day. But at the same time, they will also need to have time off in order to allow their body to heal.

It might not be easy for someone to realise this if they have spent their whole life avoiding exercise. Based on what they have been doing, it could seem like the right option to take.


In this case, one is going to be aware of how they might be setting themselves up to have physical problems in the long run. The signs may be there already, but all the time they believe that they only have two options; it is going to affect their ability to listen to their body.

Just as if one was to believe that there is either love or fear, it is going to stop them from realising that each side has a purpose. And how fear itself is not the problem; what is the problem is when it takes over.


When one comes from a place of love it is going to allow them to open them up to life, and to see that there are many possibilities. If, on the other hand, they come from a place of fear, they are going to be closed off to life, and they won't be able to see the possibilities that are available.

However, there are going to be times when it will be important for one to close off, and while it will limit their possibilities; it will be in their best interests. This doesn't mean that one will stay closed forever, what it means is that there will be times in their life where they need to protect themselves.


If one was in a relationship that is unhealthy, it may be important for them to walk away and to withdraw their love. The fear that one experiences in this situation is not just the result of the thoughts in their head, it is based on the reality of the situation.

While they could have ignored the fear that they were experiencing, it would have only caused them more harm. In this case, their need to love the other person has taken a back seat, and the fear within them has defined their actions.


Once they are no longer with the other person, it should be possible for them to open their heart once more and for their body to settle down. One has then been assisted by their fear, and it hasn't been something that has had a destructive impact on their life.

It could also be said that while one wasn't expressing love towards the other person, they were expressing it to themselves. This would mean that love and fear have worked together, and this has allowed them to stay in balance.

Out of Control
When someone is unable to move forward because of how much fear they are experiencing, it shows that they are out of balance. They are not being assisted by their fear; it has taken over their life.

This is not something that has to relate to every area of their life either; as if it only relates to one area it can still have a big impact. So the sooner one is able to see through their fear, the better their life will be.

It's all in the Mind

If they were to do their own research or to speak to someone else, they may end up hearing that it is ‘all in the mind'. This could be something they are familiar with, or it may be something they have heard for the first time.

Based on this, it will be important for them to change their thinking, and put their fear to one side. They might hear that the more they face their fear, the easier it will be for them to take action regardless of how they feel.

Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway

One can then come to the conclusion that the best approach is for them to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway'. For if they don't do this, it will just get stronger, and this will make it harder for them to take action.

And as it is ‘all in the mind', there is no reason why this wouldn't be the right approach to take. However, what if it isn't ‘all in the mind', and what if it can relate to what is taking place in the body?

Two Ways

To say that fear is all in the mind is the same as saying one's mind defines how they feel. While it can sound accurate, it is not the complete truth; it is a half truth.

Therefore, although what is taking place in their mind can cause their body to experience fear, this doesn't mean that this is always the case. Instead, the fear in their body can end up causing them to have a fearful outlook.


The fear in their body is likely to have been caused by trauma, and while this may have been a one-off experience, it could relate to a number of experiences. These could be experiences that one has had in their adult years and/or they could go back to their childhood.

If it relates to something that happened during their adult years, it might be possible for them to remember, whereas, if it is due to what happened during their childhood, they might not remember. This could relate to some kind of accident or to abuse that they have experienced.


While it would be easy for someone who is carrying trauma to come to the conclusion that they need to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway', this could cause them to be retraumatised. Now, this is not to say that they should allow their life to be defined by fear, what it means is that they may need to take a different approach.

If one is carrying trauma and they believe that is ‘all in the mind', they can end up forming an outlook that doesn't match up with reality. For example, they could believe that the reason they don't take action is because they are weak or lack courage, and not realise that it has nothing to do these factors and everything to do with the trauma within them.


When an approach is positioned as being the only way, it is to be expected that some people will end up being sent down the wrong path. What works for one person might not work for someone else, and this is why it is important for one to listen to themselves.

Just because one approach is popular or is promoted by an ‘expert', it doesn't mean it is the right option for everyone. And if one is carrying trauma, it will be important for them to seek professional help.

Article Source:Fear: Is Fear All In The Mind?

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

6 Reasons Why We Fail

I'm sure there's none of you who want to fail in life. Every person hunts for success. We always do. But then why fail?

Unfortunately, some fall into the wilderness where they find themselves in precisely the same issues they were facing years ago. They say any time you expect different results while doing the exact same thing again and again, you are foolish.

Examine yourself. There are many of reasons why you are likely to fail, why you have not tasted success. Truly Rich Club states 6 reasons why we fail.


Don't get busy arguing or debating your opinion against friends who are trying to support you. If you are so negative about some opinions, you are showing them that you're insecure and egoistic. Negativity blurs a person's capacity to think new ideas and attempt to do new things. If your plan will not work the way you wanted it to work, you will then get depressed and you are left with merely failure.

Try to take note of advices. Be mature enough to receive feedback, whether positive or negative, whether relevant or not. Be humble as well. Successful persons are ready to admit that they don't know a lot of things. They actually often point out their weaknesses.

Accept that you don't know everything. I urge you to ask God for wisdom. It's considered a vital key to your success.


It isn't just knowledge that will give you success, but you'll have a better opportunity to succeed when you know how to plan.

Planning is preparing your way to success. Have you ever tried travelling for a family trip? Before that special day comes, you study the map on how to get there, plan where to stay and until when, identify nearby recreation parks for family activities and believe that you will enjoy it. Having a complete idea or knowledge of your intentions will help you prepare to achieve it and smoothen out even the complications that come with it.


Do you always think that 24 hours of your time isn't sufficient? Do you consume it wisely? Or perhaps is it being wasted in front of the computer, updating statuses and posting issues of your private life which others need not know of?

Senseless matters on Facebook, Tweeter or other means of social media interactions, don't need to take a lot of your time. These will never contribute to your success nor provide you with an earnest return of your precious time.
Perhaps you are workaholic, a dedicated employee, a grab-all-opportunities guy who can't say "NO" to work given that the pay is appealing. Your life will likely then become stressful and failure to deal with stress faces disappointments. Truly Rich Club doesn't measure success by how much money you make. It is how you live a well-balanced life. Try time management.


In whatever you do, be committed. Commitment is a dedication to a plan, an allegiance to a pursuit, a promise to finish something till it bears an outcome. Commitment is the complete opposite of giving up.

Giving up is tantamount to failure. It breaks my heart to see an individual full of promise, give up. Hope has disappeared in their vocabulary and struggle is everywhere. You must discover ways to push yourself and take care of what you have started. Don't ever give up on a dream. We are all potential individuals that can do an extraordinary achievement.

Once you give up, success will never arrive.

There exists faith in yourself and faith in God. should have both.
Once your mind believes you can achieve something, there's "Law of Attraction". Positive beliefs about possibilities, attracts the universe in a positive way. Thus, making things work together to accomplish what you believe to happen. Make sense? Truly Rich Club puts it this way… Whenever you think that you have the power to succeed in something, believe as well that there is also a higher power that commands everything to work for you to accomplish it.


Have you ever been afraid? Wait…let me rephrase the question… Have you always been afraid? You won't ever go anywhere when you're afraid, when you won't step up and move forward. It isn't a wise tactic to succeed because fear causes us to do nothing. If you are always afraid, then you're always doing nothing, practically nothing.

Exactly what are you afraid of anyway? Is it the fear to fail? Fear that individuals will think that you're different, crazy, stupid? When you won't take action great, you won't be great because the greater the risk, the higher the reward. Take courage. As I have mentioned, you've got a higher power to back you up.

Article Source: 6 Reasons Why We Fail

Positive Affirmations for Success

Supercharge yourself with this affirmation.  Enjoy!

Monday, 27 July 2015

Goal Busters

At this time, you have evaluated your wheel of life and decided where you need to focus extra attention.  You have set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and have a deadline.  So why do so many people give up after only a few weeks into a new resolution?

Unsupportive Friends - Be careful with whom you share your dreams, visions and goals.  Not everybody will see what you see.  Some people may rain on your parade.  It is helpful to find your cheerleaders who will encourage you to keep going, applaud the little successes.
The hardest challenge is if your closest friends aren't your cheerleaders.  ‘It is hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys.'  You may need to find a new group of friends that can support your endeavor.  This may be very simple – if you find a local interest group that has the interests that align with your goals.

Writing Your Goals Down – Studies have shown the success for achieving goals goes up dramatically if you write them down.     I find visualization fuels the passion and keeps you pressing towards your goals.  Find pictures of your dream/goals and place them on a wall, dream board or notebook.    I have a notebook with sections for each of my spokes of the wheel of life.

Speak Only Positive Words - If you say "This will never happen."  Or "I will never get this done."  You are right.  If you proclaim, "My dream will happen."  Or "I can do this."  You are right.
There is death and life in the power of the tongue.  Be careful of what you speak about yourself or your dreams and goals.  Those off hand remarks like "I am so stupid" or "I am such a klutz" are destructive.  They aren't as innocent as they may seem. 
When Jim Carey was an unknown "wanna" be actor, he had a dream book.  He knew he wanted to be a world famous actor.  Not only did he have a dream book, he went regularly to the hills overlooking Hollywood and proclaimed his dream.  And the rest is history.
Review Your Goals – Keeping focused on your goals helps you take action, do things that move you toward your dreams.    Professing your successful completion of your goals daily helps you stay focused, helps you visualize and keep the passion burning.
Periodically you need to review your progress.  I look at that quarterly.  What steps do I want to have done in the next 3 months?  Those are measurable, keep them realistic and achievable.  Based on how I did for the quarter, I set the goals for the next quarter.
I don't beat myself up, if I fall short.  Life happens, issues come up, distractions occur.  But where would I be if I didn't have a compass to keep me focused on what I have determined to be important.
We will always be a cheerleader for you – especially for your financial goals.
Stay tuned for Financial Goal Setting!  Dreams, visions, goals, achieving, dream board, wheel of life

Article Source: Goal Busters

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Financial Freedom in Two Simple Steps

Financial Freedom or financial independence is generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live a happy lifestyle, without having to work actively. Definition of 'happy lifestyle' varied in each individual. It depends how much you want. The more you want, the more wealth you need to create. Nonetheless, the formula to achieve it can be summarized in two simple steps.

(1) Create Surplus - Increase Income Reduce Expenses
As been known, create surplus is the first step towards Financial Freedom. Surplus is an amount left over when basic needs have been met. However, it is challenging especially for nowadays youngster. Reason being they are confusing between what is wants and what is needs.
Traditionally, immediate basic needs are food (including water), shelter and clothing. In modern life, transportation and communication have also categorized into the list of needs. Unintentionally, most of the time people tends to overspend on so-called 'needs' and put themselves into cash tied situation. Example:
  • Dining out. Why not just enjoy home cook food?
  • A bungalow. Why not just a cozy terrace or apartment? Renting is another option too.
  • Branded clothes. Non-branded clothes are nice and comfortable as well.
  • Luxurious car. Why not an economy one or an average one?
  • Smartphone and laptop price can be varied from few hundreds to few thousands as well.

Think twice. Is all those really your needs or wants? Overspend here and there causing you have very little surplus, no surplus or even negative surplus with the convenience of credit card.
Increase income and reduce expenses must be co-exist in your financial planning. It can be done by having a proper personal budget. Overtime, you build up surplus and ready for the next step.

(2) Generate Passive Income - Create Money-Making Machines
Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, without or with little effort required to maintain it. Each tool that you used to generate passive income is your money-making machine. It can be any types of investment and/or businesses. One need to have more than one money-making machine as part of risk management to ensure smooth generation of passive income. One can declare Financial Freedom when their machines able to generate a total income that is greater than their expenses.

Most money-making machines require some sort of investment up front. This is where your surplus come into the picture. Great things almost always start small. Likewise in financial planning. Start with one money-making machine with your initial small surplus. As time goes, build it up, diversify and further build it up. You will definitely closer and closer to your goal - Financial Freedom!

Article Source: Financial Freedom in Two Simple Steps

Friday, 24 July 2015

Why Gratitude Works

We all have goals that we want to achieve in our lives.  There is one route that will help you to achieve them faster and easier and that is gratitude.  This concept is so important to our goal achievement that Wallace Wattles in his book, "The Science of Getting Rich" dedicates a full one-third of it to this topic.

Why, then, is the concept of being grateful so hard for us to integrate into our lives?  After all, from the time we were small children we have been told that whenever we are given something we should say "thank you".  Maybe the concept of gratitude is so simple that we just simply forget about it.

Wes Hopper in his e-book "The Astonishing Power of Gratitude" says that there are 5 key mistakes that we make that keep us from being in a state of gratefulness.  They are:

  • A belief in scarcity, that there just is not enough of anything to go around.  We don't believe in a friendly and abundance universe
  • We live our lives in a state of resistance.  We do not readily accept that our lives are perfect just the way that they are.
  • We postpone happiness until something in the future occurs.  For instance we get that new car, new job, pay raise, etc. and then we can be happy.
  • We prefer to be satisfied with the status quo rather than dissatisfied.  Yet, it is dissatisfaction with the way things are that will boost us in our growth.
  • We see ourselves as victims of circumstance rather than co-creators of our world.
  • We want to hold onto grudges rather than to forgive.
  • We don't see the flow of abundance.  We have to be willing to give if we are ever going to receive.

  • If we are going to successfully achieve our goals, then we have got to understand that the universe operates by predictable and reliable laws.  One of these is gratitude.  In "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace Wattles writes:  "There is a law of gratitude, and if you are to get the results you seek, it is absolutely necessary that you should observe this law."

    Universal laws tend to operate within the natural principle of polarity.  That action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions.  That is why whatever we put our positive energy into will grow.  It is like you placed an order for it with the universe.  That is why gratefullness is so crucial, it has a high positive energy vibration that is powerfully attractive.  A mind that is focused on gratitude is constantly focused on the best and that keeps us from dwelling on worry and fear.

    The concept of gratitude is why it is always stressed that you see your goal as already having been achieved.  By being grateful in the now, you are putting an immense amount of positive energy into it's in the accomplishment.

    In the next couple of articles we are going to look at these hang ups that keep us from achieving our goals through maintaining an attitude of gratitude so that we can eliminate them from our lives and live the dreams we desire.

    Article source: Why Gratitude Works

    Tuesday, 21 July 2015

    How Can You Reach Your Goals?

    Many individuals decide to just look at others and feel sorry for themselves because they have not been able to accomplish anything that really mattered. Even though this is a very dangerous perspective on life, it can also help you realise that you need to set some goals. Of course, you might need some encouragement, but you should be able to rely on yourself and on the people that you care most about.

    One of the biggest mistakes that you could make would be to blame others for your failures. You are the one that can do something about what happens to you. If you really want to reach a certain goal, you need a strategy. First of all, you have to make sure that you set a realistic goal and that you do not set yourself up for disappointment. Another mistake that you could make would be to expect too much from yourself. You need to know what your limits are. This does not mean that you need to be limited, but that you should try to extend them day by day.

    Everyone needs encouragement. The good news is that you can be the one that does this for yourself. You should not rely on others when it comes to your self esteem and on what you can or can not do. Now, when it comes to reaching your goals, you should start by setting one that will challenge you a little bit. For instance, if you have decided that you want to eat healthier, you could start by replacing your mid-afternoon snack with a healthy one every other day.

    At first, you might be tempted to give up. However, due to the fact that it is not that difficult, you will soon be able to eat healthy snacks every single day. Another tip that you should keep in mind is that every single person has their own pace. You should not rush into anything. Give yourself time to adapt to the changes that you are making. So, if you have just started replacing that snack with a healthy one, you should continue with the same routine for one or two weeks before you go any further.

    The key to reaching your goals is to combine all of the above and to make sure that you do not give up. Even though you might feel bored or do not feel like doing all the hard work anymore, you should think about your motivation and opt for some encouragement techniques. What were the reasons that stood behind your decision of eating healthier? Maybe it was the fact that you would feel better, that you would become healthier and even thinner. Every time you reach a certain goal, it would be a good idea to set another so that you continue challenging yourself.

    When it comes to reaching your goals, you will need to opt for some encouragement. That is why it would be a good idea to visit our website. Here you can find all the right pieces of advice that will help you become a better you and find your inspiration!

    Article Source: How Can You Reach Your Goals?

    Monday, 20 July 2015

    15 Minute Exercise to Success

    The secret of success in anything comes from within.  Successful people have their subconscious and conscious minds working, they focus on what they want to achieve without a moment of doubt or questioning and they work towards it step by step.
    Sounds straightforward, but the reason other people fail is because deep down inside they don't really believe they can achieve it or they believe they don't deserve to achieve it and they give up.  There is no failure, there is only giving up.

    The good news however is that you can retrain your subconscious to believe in you, develop this 15 minute exercise into a daily habit and you will be successful in whatever you choose to do.
    Here is the exercise, follow it every day, preferably first thing in the morning for maximum benefits.

    Write down 5 things that show you are working towards your goals.  These are things from the previous day or week, or even longer, they can be things which have happened or things you have achieved, but above all they need to be evidence that you are moving in a positive direction.

    Write down 5 things that you are happy about or grateful for in your life, it might be support of your family, the space to pursue your goals, something specific which happened, maybe meeting someone who can help you or support you.  In other words, look around you and think about your circumstances and celebrate what you do have.

    To Do Today
    Take 5 things off your to do list and write them on a new list that you are going to do today.  Now, important note here, if there is something big on there, like ‘get a new job' or ‘rewrite my website', break it down into small achievable chunks because unless you break it down and start the small steps towards it, it will always seem overwhelming and you won't start.  Put the rest of the list somewhere out of sight and decide you are just going to do those 5 achievable things.

    Throw It To The Universe
    Take 1 big thing off your to do list and throw it to the universe.  Ask for it in your mind; decide, without any ambiguity, that's what you want and expect it to happen.  Then let it go, you've delegated it, so sit back and allow it to happen, don't keep drawing it back to you. You will be amazed how things can happen when you decide it's what you want.

    Dominant Feeling For the Day
    Decide how you are going to feel today.  Yep, it's your decision, but you need to instruct your brain and body, not leave it up to the negative default to do it for you.  It may be ‘motivated', ‘calm', ‘inspired', ‘happy', ‘patient', ‘thoughtful', ‘productive', ‘energetic', it doesn't matter as long as it's positive and useful, but you must decide your dominant feeling.

    Dare to dream.
    It doesn't matter how big, bazaar, unrealistic or out there is might seem, in fact, the bigger the better, dare to dream and just throw it out there.  Close your eyes for 1 minute and bring your dream to life as much as possible, picture it or describe it to yourself, whatever you find easiest, it doesn't matter, no one will know, just put the detail in.  Your dream can be the same every day, or different, it's up to you, just don't tell yourself its not possible, go with it and have some fun.


    Tell Your Mind It Has happened
    Finally, write about something you want to happen, as if it already has in the past tense.  Just a few minutes, or longer if you like, go with the flow and just allow yourself to free-write in the past tense.  Some people find it easier to frame it as if they are writing a letter to someone.  If think in a way that it has happened, you are in effect giving your brain an instruction and it will then work out how to make it happen.  Put in as much detail as you can, where you are, sounds, smells, sights, your feelings – put it all in there.



    Sign and date it.  Don't forget to do this part, it's important.



     There is no failure, there is only giving up

    Article Source: 15 Minute Exercise to Success

    Saturday, 18 July 2015

    Your own Success

    Success is within us all, it is exactly what you want it to be and no one can define it but you. You're the architect of its design, the creator, the one and only person who can give it meaning. What does it mean to you? Is it helping other people, is it making a ton of money, is it marrying a beautiful woman and having kids, then so be it. It's very important that you know it is within your grasp to make the changes needed to achieve what you set out to achieve. We are what we think we are therefore if we constantly believe we are successful and all our actions support this belief, success will come. It starts in your mind and never ends.

    What I mean is the daily attitude you have will determine where you go and how far you get in your life. It's simply a matter of can you stay the course no matter how bad the storms get. There will be storms that you will not anticipate and these storms can disrupt your very existence, but stay the course and you will discover a person you never knew was in there. Success means never giving up or giving in to what is easy; it means consistency, hard work, and some serious dedication to your endeavor. During the last recession of 2008 many people couldn't get jobs, almost all my friends were in some way shape or form affected by the Recession. Just about everyone I knew was jobless except a few people that already had half decent jobs and a very good friend of mine. My friend actually found many jobs; he worked all over the place. He had up to 3 part time jobs. In a time where everyone complained of being broke, he complained about not having time to spend his money. There was absolutely nothing that could stop him from making the money he wanted. The man even slept on Metra trains to ensure he made it to wonk on time because he did not own a car.

    This is the kind of thinking and attitude necessary for success. What is it that you want? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get it done? If not then don't even start, you will end up quitting every time. Whatever it is you want has to be more important than all else, it has to be on our mind at all times. Nothing you do should ever take you anywhere but in the direction of your goals. First identify what you're going to accomplish and make up your mind to do it. Next, begin to develop your plan of action, how do plan on attaining your goal? Write these things down and take note that you will more than likely make corrections to your plan in order to make it more effective. These 2 steps are simple and only take a little bit of time to achieve. Next step is to develop habits that promote your success, for example waking up early will give more time to work on goals and get ahead faster. Imagine your preparing to defend your national kickboxing championship. Do you believe the man trying to take it is not up before the birds training to destroy you when that bell rings? Work as hard as possible, work till you are exhausted, work till you fall asleep, and work till you can't work anymore and then wake up the next morning and repeat. Never doubt yourself and ignore everyone that isn't in your corner, they are all dead weight. It's in your control, in your power to be a success, remember no one can define it or achieve it for you.

    Article Source: Your own Success

    Wednesday, 15 July 2015

    Learn from your mistakes: Failure is not doing |Gail Tolsoi Miller Teaser

    Check out Jaime Tardy's interview with Gail.  Gail discusses the importance of having a business coach.

    Tuesday, 14 July 2015

    Appreciating Money Can Prosper You

    Do you wonder why it is important to cultivate a good attitude about money? Money is filled with the intelligence of the universe from which it is created. Money reacts to your attitude about it. You attract what you appreciate and money responds accordingly. If you think favorably about money, you multiply and increase it, however if you criticize and condemn it in any way, either your own money or another’s, you dissipate it and repel it from you. If you were to study the lives and experiences of prosperous-minded people, you would find that they have a friendly attitude toward money.
    Remember that your thoughts make your world. Your thoughts about money have to be appreciative in order for money to appreciate you and be attracted to you. You should never declare, “I can’t afford this”. You don’t want to talk about being ‘down an out’, or even speak unkindly about those who have money. It is not wise to magnify financial difficulties. If you brag or discuss your financial troubles (and some people actually do so to gain attention or sympathy), then you will always have financial troubles to brag about.
    Do not discuss the financial difficulties of others. If you think of yourself as prosperous but of others as living in lack, through the law of attraction you are inviting the same thing to happen to you. The golden rule of prosperous thinking is that you should not think or say anything concerning another’s financial affairs that you would not want to experience in your own.
    When you hear of another’s good fortune, wealthy possessions or inheritance, you should feel great joy and appreciation. Don’t think, talk, or act any way but prosperously. Don’t allow others to talk to you in any way but prosperously. Don’t read anything or take seriously anything that is printed or on TV that is contrary to prosperous thinking.
    Think of it as money being charged with divine intelligence that tunes in on what you say or think about it, and responds accordingly. Have a prosperous attitude towards money. Use this affirmation daily: “All financial doors are open and free and endless money now comes to me.”
    Let the journey begin as you feel gratitude for all that is coming to you, all that comes to others, and all the abundance in the universe. Mentally and emotionally bask in abundance and appreciate it! Welcome money from all directions

    Article source:

    Monday, 13 July 2015

    Create Your Own Vision Book or Vision Board

    As you travel on your journey towards the success you desire, you obviously understand the importance of having a purpose, vision, mission, a set of very clearly defined goals and finally individual goal specific actions, which you will carry out every day. Once you have this crucial structure in place and you are completely committed to achieving your goals. There are a few tools you can use to support you on your journey. 
    Positive affirmation is one, which helps you to overcome negative self-talk, build belief and encourages you to engage in daily goal specific supportive behaviors or routines, which will support your success. Another powerful support tool is visualization. This is a process where you create a crystal clear picture in your mind of exactly what you want to achieve in the future and then with all the emotion, energy and conviction you can muster. You visualize yourself, living exactly that life. Your brain is unable to tell the difference between a visualized and a real experience. So over time as you visualize yourself living this perfect life, you encourage the right behavior, which will support the daily goal specific activity, necessary to invite the success you want into your experience. 

    One of the best ways to help you create the vivid pictures you want, which will then serve as the focal point for your daily visualization practice, is a vision board or vision book. These are simply a book or a board, which you fill with pictures, photos or concepts, depicting exactly how you want to see your life turn out in the future. Your vision book or board is a visual representation of your goals and aspirations. It’s a physical book or a board, similar to a scrap book, or a notice board (as fancy as a framed photo assemblage or as simple as a presentation board), where you assemble photos, inspirational words and quotes, and other items, which represent the achievement of your desired goals.

    All or One

    You can create a vision book or board that encompasses all of your goals in each area of your life, or make several, which each illustrate one goal or one area of focus. You may find that you want to create one for your personal life, and another for your business-related goals, which you keep at work. Depending on your environment, you might find it helpful to have the vision book open, on your desk, or placed in a spot where you can see it as often as possible.
    Regardless of where you keep it, refer to it daily and whenever you need to re-focus or re-energize yourself. The images on your vision board or in your vision book, will help to stimulate those all-important feeling, which will help you to actually feel and experience all the positive feel good emotions you will feel, when you actually do achieve the success you have envisioned. These positive emotions, which your vision board or book will conjure up, can very often help you to overcome a roadblock or challenge, which you may encounter or if repeated daily, inspire you to take the goal specific actions you need to take, to ensure your sustainable success.
    Guidelines for Creating Your Vision Book
    As you create your personal vision book, remember to have fun and enjoy the process.

    It’s Your Map to Your Future

    These are your dreams, and so naturally you’ll want to be selective about what goes in the book and how neat and organized you keep it. Look for images from magazines, photographs, and words that best represent your dream, your purpose, and your ideal future. Keep them upbeat and positive. As you build your vision board, know that it is a collage of your future. Build it wisely and allow your mind to visualize possibilities, which will stretch and challenge you.

    Achievement Board

    As you achieve things on your vision board, take them off and transfer them onto your achievement board. This gives you a way to reward your successes and a physical representation of all the successes you have enjoyed. Whenever you feel like nothing is working and you cannot seem to make any progress. Visit your achievement board and use the positive feeling of satisfaction, which came with achieving and transferring those successes onto your achievement board. This will help you to inspire yourself and to know that if you keep taking action daily, you will eventually succeed.

    Article source:

    Handling Financial Problems For A Happy Life

    These days, having a sound financial status has become an
    indispensable aspect of life. In other words, with societal status, luxury,
    comfort and even happiness sometimes directly proportional to the financial
    status, people are extremely focused at building their financial status.
    However, this being the fact the common concern these days faced by many is
    despite planning the savings are low, the hike in salary is less and the money
    earned and the expenses are nowhere in a balanced. In addition, we always have
    the tendency to find fault with external factors like lack of salary hike,
    sudden arrival of guests and expense, etc. But all this is just trying to cover
    and avoiding the actual reasons of financial problem.


    However, this disturbance or inconsistency
    between earning and expense can lead to financial problems which in turn have
    the ability to affect your mind. When an individual faces financial problems,
    the first impact of the problem is on his mind, leading to stress and anxiety.
    Therefore, here are some the factor that actually lead to financial problems
    and tips on
    how to overcome financial problems:

    • Lack of self confidence:
      These days, there is a growing tendency of looking at things from the short
      term perspective and complete avoidance of long term means. That is the reason
      that if there is even a small hike in the income, we tend to immediately spend
      it off than saving it. Therefore, while managing your finances look at it from
      the long term perspective
    • Unnecessary expenses:
      These days, the motto of purchase is not completely need based. Many a times
      people buy stuff just because it is new in the market or just because their
      close friend or relative has purchased. In this madness one is not paying
      attention whether the product fits into our budget, whether is it useful etc is
      missing. Therefore, before doing any big purchase ask yourself, "Do I need
      this??? Why do I need this??? Is it a must to buy it now??? If the answers are
      satisfactory, then go ahead and spend money
    • Proper planning:
      What you earn will not change overnight so plan your monies to ensure you don't
      fall short of money. Stick to the planned budget unless and until it's an
      emergency to deviate from the budget.

    Thus, with the above mentioned simple tips on how
    to overcome financial problems
    , you are definitely clear that planning
    money is the key. However, despite all the planning, if you come across
    financial problems and are stressed out, it is very necessary to stay mentally
    and physically healthy to face them. Therefore, giving due attention to one's
    health is very important. Based on this concept of overall health, Trivedi
    Global Inc
    often conducts health and wellness programs that are aimed
    at grooming people in handling challenges and stress. In addition, the
    Trivedi Healers™
    of the Trivedi Foundation™ give practical solutions
    that help you realise that staying healthy is all in your hands. Therefore, for
    overall health and wellness programs you have Trivedi Foundation™

    Article source: Handling Financial Problems For A Happy Life

    Thursday, 9 July 2015

    Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Motivator for lifetime

    Motivation is a source to guide ourselves on the right path but there are several factors that keep us motivated and help us in growing ourselves. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one great example of motivation as he made some crucial decisions in his life with a positive attitude. Besides a successful actor he was also a politician and a body builder. He became a successful businessman at the age of 22 years and his motivation led him to involve in different ventures. Arnold shared his six inspiring rules of motivation in life especially for job oriented people which can be applied to any professional framework.

    • Trust Yourself:
      To be successful you need to have motivation in life and you have to trust yourself what you are doing. Always look for things that makes you happy no matter what people say about you. Motivation towards your work will definitely make your value worthwhile and helps you to have confidence in what makes you happy.

    • Break the Rules:
      By breaking the rules it doesn't mean to have a careless attitude instead in doing things that are right according to you. In business, motivation is something very important and to look for the pros and cons of every single element should be checked by having a constructive approach towards your work. As a business person you have to make decisions on daily basis and that too the sensible ones.

    • Don't be Afraid to fail:
      Failure is the key to success, and we learn from our mistakes hence, it is proved that success starts after failure. Don't think that failure will stop you from doing what you want instead keep telling yourself that you're are goal-oriented and nothing can weaken you to achieve your goals. Success will come and your hard work will pay off in this lifetime and eventually the motivation to keep yourself doing work will fulfill your goals.

    • Work your butt off:
      Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest hero of his times and his approach towards life is to work hard as he said, "I don't count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that's when I start counting, because that's when it really counts". You come across people who are more smart and intelligent but only you can embrace yourself and push yourself in winning. The only way to win a race is by self-motivation.
      Don't listen to Naysayers:
      People are here to criticize you and nib in the bud but you have to be stagnant and confident on your own stand. If someone says you cannot do it show them that you have potential and you can win any race.  Arnold was confident about what he does and this motivation kept him successful.

    • Give Back:
      Always work for humanity and human rights. The best thing to do in the world is to give back what you have achieved in your life and let people benefit out of it. According to Arnold after achieving everything in life you have to think a step ahead and think about your community rather than yourself. Always live with a spirit of giving instead of just taking and this motivation makes you a better person in life. 

    Article Source: Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Motivator for lifetime

    Wednesday, 8 July 2015

    Robert Kiyosaki on Oprah - Why People Should Join A Network Marketing Co...

    Writing goals and developing an action plan can really take you places.  Check out this firefighter in this video.

    Tuesday, 7 July 2015

    Three Questions to Ask Yourself before Being Financially Free

    Today, people think a little more about their health,
    what they eat, the way they look, the best place to hang out with relatives and
    buddies, what movie to watch, or the best place to spend their holiday. But for
    most people, financial stability is not a reality.

    How can you be financially fit? The following are vital questions you have to
    ask yourself first:

    1. Where Am I Now?

    As what all financial planners say, good financial planning starts in looking
    into your existing financial circumstances. Otherwise, then you cannot plan as
    well as set methods for your financial future.

    What you must do first is to jot down your entire assets which means whatever
    you own and all your liabilities or debts. Then look at the spending pattern.
    Identify expenditures that should be amortized which includes rent, mortgage,
    insurance, bills, gasoline, and subscriptions or memberships. You should also
    review expenses on groceries, clothing, shoes, travel, gifts, entertainment, as
    well as other things.

    After which, you should check whether you can find more coming in or more going
    out of your pocket. In case there are more expenses, then you've got two
    choices. It is either you lessen your expenses or try to look for additional

    Now, when you have a considerable debt, you may want to consult a financial

    2. Where Do I Want to Be?

    For those who have more money by the end of the month, then you need something
    to plan with and can now ask yourself where you want to be.

    During this period, you need to weigh all things. Set a spending budget for
    your expenses and after that, establish realistic goals. Are you bent on
    achieving this much savings in say, 5 years or do you want to pay the balance
    of your car loan? Are you also considering settling a part of your house loan
    so that your monthly amortization is reduced? Carefully studying each goal will
    allow you to see the ones that are the most significant. Once you've done this,
    be determined to achieve your purpose.


    Monitor how you are progressing every six months, so
    you'll understand how much you have achieved. Do an annual review of your
    assets against your debts. If you find that you are making little progress,
    then you may want to revisit your targets and make the necessary changes to
    obtain what you want.

    3. How Can Achieve my Goals?

    This is where you have to consider strategies or ways regarding how you can
    achieve your targets. You may want to consider putting some of your savings in
    lucrative investments. At Truly Rich Club, members are encouraged and taught on
    how to save and invest their funds. You will not need to have a substantial
    amount of cash. Actually, there are a lot of worthwhile investments where you
    can start small.

    Reviewing your assets, looking at your expenses, developing a budget, and
    establishing your targets will enable you to see where you are now and where
    you desire to be.

    Do you wish to know what approaches to employ to achieve your targets? Join the
    Truly Rich Club now and soon you will see yourself financially fit and free.

    Article source: Three Questions to Ask Yourself before Being Financially Free

    Monday, 6 July 2015

    Motivation Is Nothing Without Action

    Create small habits and these will keep you going.  Watch this  video and try a 30 day challenge and see how you feel.  Great video,  watch and let me know what you think?

    Even your biggest heroes were unknown before they started

    Even your biggest heroes were unknown before they started.
    Everyone starts somewhere. It doesn’t matter where you start. Some people start with better opportunities than others. Some people start with less but the fact is all the people that you have heard of are people who started. They started as unknowns and they built their success from that. This is how they became our hero’s.
    When you develop self-belief you are able to dream- -These dreams turn into events and opportunities to make those dreams real. This vision is born in the mind and developed in the mind first before it can appear in the world.
    Think about your biggest heroes and think about what they had to overcome to achieve the status that they did. Think about how they were able to do this. This is a key part of becoming self-empowered. This is a key part in living the dream. Learning to focus on having something that seems far, far away is the key. Developing this is not an easy task, but then, what in life is?
    What did our heroes learn?
    Learning to do something new almost always takes time and effort. The results may not be what you wanted them to be. What this really means is that you haven’t convinced yourself that the impossible is possible yet. Your sub-couscous still thinks that you can’t achieve it. This is where the commitment to success has to take root. This is where the vision has to be practiced and made strong. Each day you need to tell yourself that you are going to achieve your goal. Each day you have to build that belief that you can accomplish it. The stronger your self-belief- - the bigger the results.
    You have read many stories of your heroes struggling to succeed and you think to yourself, “How could anyone say no to that person”. It is amazing that some of our hero’s found the strength and belief to keep going but they had a vision and that vision was undoubtedly attainable for them.
    Most things don’t happen overnight.- -Life is a journey and it is to be enjoyed in each moment throughout the journey. Every step you take toward your goal is one step closer your journey’s end.
    The problem is that a lot of people take the first few steps and as soon as they stumble they decide that it is too hard and give up. If you don’t convince your subconscious that you will succeed then when you stumble it will feel like you should quit. You get the result that you expect. The key is to expect nothing but what you envisioned.
    When you are armed with this self-empowerment you gain a confident that no matter what happens you will find a way to succeed. This is what our heroes knew. They knew that they would draw the things and situations needed to succeed.
    Their vision will come to be in the real world. Before you knew who your heroes were they knew where they were going and they stayed focused on it.
    They taught themselves to believe.

    Article source:

    Friday, 3 July 2015

    6 Ways To Stop Thinking Negative Thoughts

    Have you ever stopped to consider how thinking negative thoughts affects your reality?
    It's easy to get lost in a cycle of thinking negative thoughts pertaining to the past or future. However, in doing so we rob ourselves of the opportunity to be happy in the present! Seconds, minutes and hours can pass us by as we continue to get caught up in a cycle of negative thinking - further embedding the seed cause in our consciousness in the process.
    But how do you go about breaking free of these negative thought patterns?
    There are many techniques that can help you detach yourself from negative thoughts but, it all starts with being more mindful of your thought processes, becoming the observer rather than the thinker. Consider the following tips to help you do just that..

    #1 Cultivate The Art Of Mindfulness
    Learning how to stop thinking negative thoughts starts with learning to cultivate mindfulness. Why? Because if you aren't mindful of your thoughts, then you are simply allowing them to roam free and distract you from what's going on NOW. By being more mindful you are more present which means you are living in the moment and not distracted by past, future, or 'circumstantial' situations. Become the observer of your thoughts, question them, and you'll soon come to realize that you control your thoughts - not the other way around.

    #2 Make Meditation a Daily Ritual
    Meditating is an effective tool for gaining control over your thoughts. Through daily meditation you'll learn to shut out that nagging voice in the head and instead focus on being more mindful and in tune with your consciousness. A basic mindfulness meditation is perfect for mastering your thought processes as you'll train the mind to acknowledge thoughts without allowing them distract you from being present, focused and most importantly - POSITIVE.

    #3  Empower Yourself With Positivity
    Have you ever stopped to consider how external sources affect your own state of consciousness?
    Negative programming is detrimental to your own thought processes. Aim to surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good and raise your vibration, but more importantly, you need to be mindful of external sources of information. Switch off the news and other negative media and empower yourself with feedback and solicitations that are positive in nature such as watching motivational seminars, reading positive quotes.

    #4 STOP "Labeling" Yourself
    If you're constantly ridiculing yourself with negative thoughts such as "life is so unfair, why does my life suck" then you are negatively programming your belief system. The problem is that this can become a vicious cycle in which you lower your self-worth, opening doors for more negative thoughts to surface. Again, use mindfulness to alert yourself to these thought processes and refrain from labeling yourself. When self-destructive thoughts do surface use affirmations to correct them.

    #5 Challenge Your Thoughts
    Oftentimes, your thoughts are future tense meaning they carry little significance in terms of truth, they are hypothetical. So when negative thoughts do surface, challenge them. Ask yourself "Is there any significance or truth behind what I'm thinking?" You will soon realize that your negative thoughts are a manifestation of your imagination. Also, by questioning your thoughts you are training the mind to habitually stop thinking negative thoughts through mindfulness.

    #6 Learn From Past Mistakes
    The past is the past and there's nothing you can do to change it. We all make mistakes and have regrets that creep up on us from time-to-time but using the past against yourself resolves nothing. Each mistake presents an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. So instead of getting bogged down and focusing all your mental energy on past situations learn to accept past mistakes as a learning curve and leave them where they belong - in the past.

    The Bottom Line
    Consciousness shifts with every new experience that comes into its awareness. You can nurture your consciousness for better or worse, and it all starts with your thoughts. Manifest positive results by taking charge of your inner-dialogue, developing mindfulness, and actively weed out negative thoughts.

    Article source: