A person going nowhere can be sure of reaching his destination. Don't go nowhere. Your success improves when you set goals that are specific, short-term, and challenging. The big goal is not a measure of your present status. Rather, it is a target - something you mean to ultimately realize. What you need to focus on are smaller, short range goals which are just beyond your current ability but still within the range of present possibility.
Set Supportive and Challenging Goals
These goals should be very supportive and satisfying as they will help you build your winning streak and a foundation for successful activity. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it. Moreover, make your commitments in bite size chunks. A house is built one brick at a time. An artist paints one stroke at a time. And, you also should work in small increments.
Set Challenging Goals
Besides setting supportive and satisfying goals, set challenging goals. Strong interest and involvement in activities are sparked by challenges. Easy to reach goals spark little interest or effort. However unrealistically high goals can bring failure and diminished self-confidence.
It is also important that the goals are concerns what you want to accomplish and not what you want to avoid. Researchers have found that the choice of avoidant goals is associated with poor performance and distress. Here are the 8 Ways to Know if You are Goal Directed:
1. Do you set long-term and short-term goals?.
2. Do you set challenging goals that are neither too easy or beyond your reach?.
3. Are you good at managing your time and setting priorities to make sure you get the most important things done?.
4. Do you regularly make to-do lists and successfully get things done?.
5. Do you set guidelines and consistently meet them?
6. Do you regularly monitor how well you are progressing towards your goals and make changes in your behavior if necessary?
7. When you're under pressure, do you still plan your day and weeks in a clear and logical manner?
8. Do you set task-Involved, mastery goals rather than self-centered or work-avoidant goals?
If most of the descriptions characterize you, than you are likely to be a goal-directed individual. If these statements do not characterize you, then consider ways that you can become more goal-directed.
Planning how to reach your goal and monitoring progress towards your goal are critical aspects of your achievement. Researchers have also found that high achieving individuals monitor their own learning and systematically evaluate their progress toward their goals more than low-prescription achieving individuals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8119992
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