Monday, 18 May 2015

Need Money Now? 3 Steps to Greater Wealth Today

Everyone wants to be a millionaire. Our society practically dreams a collective dream of each of our millions. It's what keeps us going in our day-to-day routine- wishing and hoping for that special day of riches. We have even had game shows surrounding the topic. If you need more money now there are ways to get there, but you have to be willing to take the steps.
Money and you are a vibration away. You only ever have as much money as you need. You only ever have as much money as you resonate with in any given moment. If you don't have the correct mindset to be a millionaire you will never be one. Let's get you closer by beginning with these action steps to changing your vibration.
The first thing that needs to be done in order to change your overall vibration is to change your mind. If you are still hanging on to old beliefs about money, this is one reason that you are currently not in alignment with the millions you desire.

Step 1: Create a mindset that vibrates with your desired money
If you spent your entire childhood and perhaps adult life in a state of lack or money deficit it might be hard to pull yourself out of the thinking that created that. Many will state that their poverty is not their fault. While this is certainly not a space to place blame, you need to take responsibility starting now for your own wealth mindset. Whatever happened in the past, or even as recent is yesterday has to be over with starting now.
Whatever your parents and those around you taught you about money up to this point is not working. If your pockets are filled with nothing but lint and your bank accounts have a zero balance, you have not yet adopted the right mindset about money. If all you continually have are dreams about more money, the time to start thinking differently is today.
Begin by examining how you actually think and feel about money overall. You might initially exclaim that you love money, money is great and that you see no problems, but there is something standing in the way and we must find the obstacles. Do yourself the favor of sitting with yourself for minutes at a time or even hours at a time to explore your own thoughts surrounding money beliefs that got you to where you are now.
You might discover something as simple as thinking nasty thoughts about a seemingly rich person who cut you off in traffic with their Mercedes, or someone walking by wearing the clothing and jewelry you wish you could, or someone who lives or vacations in the places that you only daydream about. Are you jealous of those who have more and do you carry this jealousy around even if only from time-to-time?
Any thoughts that you have that are counter to the vibration that you need to be at to have the money that you want, will sabotage you over and over again. Begin by changing your thoughts, even if slowly. If you find resistance in changing a thought, try to do something that Abraham-Hicks has suggested and "reach for the next best thought/feeling." If you can place your thought to the next better level, it will help you get to the next step and the next. Eventually you will vibrate at a better place and alter your setpoint for prosperity.

Step 2: Change your prosperity setpoint
What do I mean by money 'setpoint'? You can think of this setpoint as the state that you are at at any given time. Say for instance right now your money setpoint might be relatively low and you find yourself just scraping by to pay your bills or somehow always slightly behind in a money deficit. You are vibrating in that lacking space in all ways. You might have a thought or two that gives you a quick windfall of cash here and there, but you struggle to get to that level consistently.
To get to a better level and stay there, you must change your prosperity setpoint. In doing the exercises to change your mindset, you will begin clearing away old patterns that have held you where you are now. You will begin to take steps to vibrating in a way that gets you to other levels of income and prosperity. To stay there on a regular basis and to stay there permanently, you must adopt these new thoughts as total and complete beliefs.
You are establishing a total, new belief system about money and thinking differently about prosperity. It's literally what Napoleon Hill said as the title of his book "Think and Grow Rich". As you think better, you will be better. What you think becomes what you are; it all becomes your reality. So change your consistent thought patterns and you will change the prosperity setpoint of your life.

Step 3: Have actual plans to deliver and distribute higher wealth
If prosperity has limited ways of getting to you and also limited ways of flowing through you, you will most certainly limit your wealth in life. If you predetermine that your job is your one and only source of income you will nearly stifle all wealth that could come to you. If your only thoughts are constantly focusing on getting that raise or getting the next better job as a means to wealth- you will chase wealth forever and never get there.
The same goes for seeing your retirement nest egg as the means to being wealthy. People's end of life medical expenses eat up most, if not all, of their retirement egg and many of us turn away from this fact not wanting to face the inevitable. Don't rely on your retirement investments or your home as the total 'wealth' of your future. Likewise having constant dreams about winning the lottery as your 'way out' is just as ludicrous to gamble on. Yes, you can and should certainly save for retirement and pay off your home mortgage and can dream of lottery winnings, but none of them should exclusively be your way to wealth since in reality, none of them are.
The truest way to wealth is to have multiple streams of income. This might mean anything from extra freelance work, a part-time business to your own entrepreneurial venture, leaving your day job, writing eBooks, profitable investments outside of retirement investing, selling online products, and yes, even winning some lottery winnings, etc. The possibilities of ways of gaining income streams are infinite and only limited to your own thinking. Open up your mind. Remember, think it and be it. If you think your income can come from unlimited ways, it will begin to do so. The infinite stream of possibilities will begin to flow freely for you when you change.
In the same regard money likes to flow. Just as you picture money flowing to you, you should also see yourself as part of the plan for money to flow through. Perhaps along with these unlimited streams of other income you also have plenty of money to pass along to charities, to people that you employ, and any other projects that you deem worthy. It becomes a way for money to flow in and out in a positive way and you become one with the overall stream of wealth. Life becomes as if standing in the middle of a river of money and abundance.
So in summary now you know that you need to begin your wealth-building by first changing your mind and eliminating old money beliefs. Next, you must change the new thoughts into absolute beliefs to vibrate with the level of wealth that you desire. Lastly, you must have real ways for money to flow into your life and also to be passed along into the world's money stream. Having a real plan gives money a new space in your life to flow to and from. See your wealth change as you put into practice this new way of living in this totally new mindset and vibration.

Article Source:
Andrea Mucci is a Usui Reiki Practitioner (III/Master level) specializing in distance healing work, intuitive life coaching and Energy Intervention (™). Contact her at

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