Self-confidence is often a challenge when engaging in a new activity or venture. What exactly is confidence? And what makes it appear that some have it and others don't? It is all in the appearance, fake it until you make it. Faking it is feeling that you already are that which you want. Every professional you can think of was once an amateur that had self-doubts that we were not aware of. Yet they persevered though all odds and kept going. Having confidence in one's self is having the faith that it will all turn out okay and that you're doing the best you know how. It paid off for those them, so it will for you. While you continue to do your best there are tools you can use to boost your confidence, here are five of them:
1. Take small steps
Every day is a chance for you to take another step. Say you wanted to run a marathon. You wouldn't just get up and run the event. First you would plan and follow the plan to build up your confidence. You might want to start walking a mile or two a day and then slowly work your way up to running that same distance. Eventually you will be at the point to run the whole thing or at the very list complete it. The confidence boost gained from finishing starts with working your way up from one step at a time.
2. Keeping a daily record
It is great when you can take some action each day towards your goals. However, keeping score is an added booster to taking action. Say for example you wanted to lose weight. Keep a daily log of your calories and exercise is a great way to see how far you have come. However, what I am suggesting here is keep a daily record of your accomplishments. This is different from checking things off your to do list if you keep one. While doing that may make you feel accomplished I suggest writing down what you actually did that moved you a step or several steps towards your goals. While acknowledging your daily accomplishments at the end of the day, you may have done something towards you goal that popped up during the day.
3. Do something you enjoy doing
Do you enjoy playing golf? Crochet? Or any number of hobbies you may have done in the past and been successful at. It is a great confidence boost to do something you once found enjoyment in. One of the good things about the body is muscle memory. I recently went for a run after suffering for months from shin splints and found myself remembering how good I was at sprinting. Grant you I am not a pro runner but that brief run triggered a bit of a confidence boost for me. So, what is it you did in the past that you have neglected that would help reboot your confidence?
4. Wrap yourself in your accomplishments
Keeping a book of your past accomplishments. What are you most proud of doing? This could be anything and should include everything. Maybe it was running for class president, speaking up when you needed to or that awesome report card in high school. What matters here is that somewhere along your journey you accomplished something. It is a great tool to boost your confidence when you take a few minutes to look back. Sub-consciously you know you did these things but it is good to refresh your memory. Who know it may just give you the boost to go for that job you have been wanting or whatever it may be.
5. Extending our comfort zone.
When you challenge yourself to learn something new you expand your comfort level. It also helps to create new neurological pathways to help with problem solving and creativity. So take a dance class or a cooking class. You may find that everyone in that activity is just as afraid and nervous as you are. Nothing boosts your confidence as sharing the experience of learning something new and helping each other learn. It is a win for your brain and a way to recognize that we all share the same emotions.
While some people seem to radiate confidence and others not, we all experience doubt at times. Acknowledging that we are fearful and using tools to build our confidence can help. Most of us on the planet walk. It is because each time we fell as a child we got up and tried again. We may have our parents and others encouraging us to walk. As we walk further and further we became pros at walking and even moved up to running. To build your confidence, be your own cheerleader. And if you find that difficult find a mentor or coach who will help.The more confidence you build for yourself the more you will succeed and inspire others to do the same.
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