This is the type of subject that can really gets emotions flared up, but hey if you are living in some form of poverty you are going to have to get flared up and extremely purposeful to get out of it. It doesn't make any sense complaining about it before you have at least tried to accumulate wealth. I'm not talking to those who are very vulnerable and under age; no I'm talking to those persons who feels that accumulating any type of wealth is just completely out of your control.
I'm here to say, that is just the paradigm that is feeding your reality; it's not actually real. Wealth is not just for the very few, wealth is for everyone; and those that know this access it first within themselves, then they bring it into their physical world. Those people whom you see break all types of barriers and find themselves living like kings and queens are actually people who were willing to believe they could.
Let's face it poverty sucks. I see what poverty has done and I can tell you this, I'm not impressed. I'd rather follow wealth and see exactly what wealth can do through me. This is why I am connecting with experts and leaders to create The Millionaire's Think Tank; we are fired up to create wealth and help others to do the same. It is our vision to interrupt the mind that is brainwashed by poverty's power and restore to those minds empowerment, so that others can live their dreams and awaken others to the possibilities. Yes that's right, awaken others! Because contrary to what a lot of people believe they were created to bring forth light; an example of well-being. We were created to do marvellous things; and that is why we were created with minds that can develop, and at will connect with spirit. However most of us live through the television or what culture or society deems as possible; we've forgotten and in doing so we've surrendered our purpose here.
Wake up! You have been called to greatness and succumbing to your circumstances is buying into the lie that you are not worthy of that greatness; when greatness is what is holding up your entire mind, body and spirit. We've got to eliminate that mind-set that says wealth is bad, or having money is bad. All you need to do is really look around and see that poverty does more bad than good. Poverty kills the spirit. Poverty ruins homes. Poverty discourages growth. Poverty increases strife. Poverty kills dreams. Poverty convinces the mind to shut down our creative imagination to find wealth.
If this is you, then the first thing you will need to do is find people who are thinking, as you would like to think. Those who are producing the results and working on what you would like to do. It's just not possible to create wealth amongst people who will hate you for it, or insist that poverty is your birth-right.
You've got to mix with those bold people; the ones they call crazy, because they are the ones who change the world; and isn't that what you want to do, change the world.
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on our side whose only motive is to see us operate in your full potential.
If you should desire to have this contact me Donniece Greene-Smith - Self Actualisation Expert, Teacher, Speaker and Coach in Self-Actualisation and Personal Development. at Website:
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