Many unsuccessful people are not necessarily unsuccessful, they simply have not found their strengths within their natural abilities yet. People become highly motivated when they find their purpose in life. Everyone has a burning drive inside of them. For some, they need to learn from others to find it. For others, the drive comes naturally and pushes them to do great things.
Following is a list of what naturally, highly motivated people do differently and what they can teach us.
1. They don't dwell on adversity.
Highly motivated people don't dwell on problems. If they mess up on a speech in public, fail a test, or do something embarrassing, they don't try to push it away. They don't let their mistakes stop them from achieving their goals. They learn from their experiences, good or bad, and move on towards the goal.
2. They read, A LOT.
Highly motivated people are always learning. Reading allows one to take in the knowledge of some of the smartest people who have ever lived. Highly motivated people don't spend much time watching reality TV - they do, however, spend their time reading.
3. They focus on goals and dreams.
Highly motivated people are always working for something. They know what they want, and they search for ways to achieve it.
4. They are grateful.
Being grateful keeps us humble. There is no room for the ego in an inspirational, motivational life. Try to write down 5 things you are grateful for every day.
5. They are not restricted by limits.
Highly motivated people are driven to go above and beyond; they are trusted by others, focused, and have great confidence in their own abilities.
6. They look at the upside.
Instead of focusing on what's NOT working and bad experiences-which so many of us tend to do-they instead focus on what IS working and their successes.
7. They are authentic.
They are true to themselves, despite what others think. They don't live their lives solely to please others.
8. They don't give up.
When they stumble over that proverbial bump in the road, they analyze the problem, come up with a plan, take action, and overcome it.
9. They don't blame others.
They never blame others for their failures. They understand that ultimately they alone are in charge of their actions and choices and no other.
10. They surround themselves with motivators.
Their friends are those who are trustworthy, positive, supportive, and are people who bring out the best in them, unconditionally.
11. They surround themselves with motivational and inspirational stimuli.
Books, video, music, art, nature, in short, anything that brings and sustains positive energy.
In closing, we leave you with one final motivational and inspirational quote:
"You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be."
Suggestions for other motivational resources are available at for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.
~ Robert Collier
Article source -
Following is a list of what naturally, highly motivated people do differently and what they can teach us.
1. They don't dwell on adversity.
Highly motivated people don't dwell on problems. If they mess up on a speech in public, fail a test, or do something embarrassing, they don't try to push it away. They don't let their mistakes stop them from achieving their goals. They learn from their experiences, good or bad, and move on towards the goal.
2. They read, A LOT.
Highly motivated people are always learning. Reading allows one to take in the knowledge of some of the smartest people who have ever lived. Highly motivated people don't spend much time watching reality TV - they do, however, spend their time reading.
3. They focus on goals and dreams.
Highly motivated people are always working for something. They know what they want, and they search for ways to achieve it.
4. They are grateful.
Being grateful keeps us humble. There is no room for the ego in an inspirational, motivational life. Try to write down 5 things you are grateful for every day.
5. They are not restricted by limits.
Highly motivated people are driven to go above and beyond; they are trusted by others, focused, and have great confidence in their own abilities.
6. They look at the upside.
Instead of focusing on what's NOT working and bad experiences-which so many of us tend to do-they instead focus on what IS working and their successes.
7. They are authentic.
They are true to themselves, despite what others think. They don't live their lives solely to please others.
8. They don't give up.
When they stumble over that proverbial bump in the road, they analyze the problem, come up with a plan, take action, and overcome it.
9. They don't blame others.
They never blame others for their failures. They understand that ultimately they alone are in charge of their actions and choices and no other.
10. They surround themselves with motivators.
Their friends are those who are trustworthy, positive, supportive, and are people who bring out the best in them, unconditionally.
11. They surround themselves with motivational and inspirational stimuli.
Books, video, music, art, nature, in short, anything that brings and sustains positive energy.
In closing, we leave you with one final motivational and inspirational quote:
"You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be."
Suggestions for other motivational resources are available at for you convenience, as well as links to other great motivational materials.
~ Robert Collier
Article source -
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