Monday, 11 May 2015

Does Positive Thinking Really Work or Not?

Positive thinking can be effective and beneficial, if it is done right. My experience and my research shows that the power of positive thinking is real, but only if it is understood correctly and used well. The reasons some believe it is not effective is because they do not understand how to make it useful. Know what positive thinking really is, how it works and understand the proof of its power. Once you understand all of it, you can use it to your advantage.
What is positive thinking?
Many people think that positive thinking is all about sitting around holding positive thoughts in your head and then sitting around and waiting for the universe to give you what you are thinking about. The problems people face are that often their thoughts need to be more specific, detailed, thought in the positive and present. But the thoughts are only have the approach. You need to be thinking positively and in the present as well as put in the energy and take action. The true secret to positive thinking is taking action, not just thinking about the end effects.
Does it work?
Positive thinking has been very successful for myself and many many others. If you go through and look at the history of some of the most successful people in history (not necessarily financial, but success in achieving greatness) they have all had positive approaches to life and believed in their success. They also put in the energy and effort to make sure what they desired became a reality. So yes it works, if you are willing to put in the effort.
The proof is everywhere you look. Think about the happiest and most positive people in your life and then think about if they are successful. There is a very clear and strong connection between positive thoughts and success. Look for the opposite, look for the really negative people, does anything seem to be going well in their lives? And even look at your own life, at the times you were most positive didn't things seem to be going well? And the opposite when things didn't seem to be going well? People often mistake the good things for effecting the mood but the reality is that the thoughts create the mood and the effects.
How to use it to your advantage
So take advantage of the power of positive thinking and change your mood and your level of success. Think about what it is you want in life and think about having it. Think about it in the present and the positive. Think about how you already have it, even if you have not seen it yet. Then take the actions you know you need to take to make it a reality. It really is that simple.

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