Thursday, 28 May 2015

The 4 Keys to Building Lasting Wealth

It hit me while I was having an inspiring conversation this week with a woman wanting to get a job selling mops like I do. After seeing my numbers and opening the door to possibility that she could also make $900 a day selling mops, noticing her eyes glisten and sparkle as she soaked up every morsel of information I gave her as if it were the most important thing in the world, I felt inspiring. Then I realized that my $900 a day earnings (although above average to many) could also be seen as a fart in a windstorm compared to someone who say makes $9000 a day, or even $900 an hour. Which leads us to our first key to building lasting wealth.
1. Perspective
Your income and level of wealth will only grow to the extent that you perceive is possible for you, it's all a matter of perspective. I remember when $900 a week was fantastic. At the time my brain couldn't fathom $900 a day. So the questions to ask yourself are "My doors of possibility for building wealth are they open or closed?" and "Where can I access information that will help me shift my current perspective to a bigger, brighter and more prosperous future?"
To make change possible and to build lasting wealth you must start with a new perspective. "The definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein
I was having a conversation with a colleague and friend of mine last night and we discovered that we simultaneously this week had come to the same conclusions about the very important subject of building wealth.
The conversation with my friend and colleague Tom delivered yet another few savory morsels of wisdom. As a speaker he was recounting to me how his efforts for obtaining sponsorship funds to create his workshops had transformed. Tom had decided it was just as much effort to ask for $500 than to ask for $5000 and he decided that he would throw his idea out there and involve others in the task of amassing the funds instead of doing it alone. Which leads us to wealth building key #2.
2. Leverage
It doesn't matter what kind of business you are involved in, if you study the most successful people they're efforts are always multiplied through leverage. Weather that be leveraging other peoples resources, other peoples efforts, connections, time, money, you name it. In my world I call it "selling one to many". If you can sell your product, idea or service one time and have it explode out there to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, how much more effective would you be versus selling one thing one person? Leverage = big bucks, it's the most basic and fundamental ingredient I believe to building real and lasting wealth.
What types of leverage are you using in your business? Are you maximizing your networks and connections and the people you know to grow your income level? Set some time aside to think about the concept of leverage and how you can use it to grow your income. Most people don`t think about ideas long enough to produce tangible results. When you put your mind to work, and ask it to do what it is made for, coming up with solutions that is, you will be surprised at what your mind can produce! Your mind is a machine built for delivering you solutions, so put it to work, I tell you it will be time WELL spent!
Now leveraging is key but leveraging in itself won`t make you wealthy unless you are able to strategize and delve into wealth key principal #3 proper planning.
3. Proper Planning
Lulu lemon the hit yoga store I am sure everyone has heard of started out with one retail location 8 years ago in Vancouver and is now a multimillion dollar chain with I can only guess hundreds of locations throughout America as they have one in every major mall I've working in, and did you know it all started out with a brilliant brainstorm?
The genius behind this lulu giant is a man who believes in proper planning. My friend Tom is being coached by this very man at a business-mentoring program. He say's success is a process of planning. 50 years ago when you turned the ignition on a car, you had a 50-50% chance of it starting. Now a days with all of the engineering and technology advancements, time and research invested into building great cars, they've got it all boiled down to a science. They've perfected the workings of a car engine. Building a business is the same. There is a science behind it and its secret is in taking the TIME to do the proper planning.
Most people throw up a sign, hope on word of mouth advertising and declare themselves in business. Without the proper time and energy invested to plan and map out your strategy for success, you are doomed to fail. Don't let your dreams and goals this year become another failed attempt.
What goals do you have for your business, for making more money this year? How will you reach them? What will you do if one idea fails? Do you have a backup plan? How can you maximize profit and minimize your risk? Who will help you? How do you outsource what aren't your strengths? Most importantly who will help you brainstorm all of this and who will keep you accountable? All very good questions to consider as we roll into yet another year here. Start it off right, I want YOU to succeed in building lasting wealth!
The more my friend Tom and I talked the more I chewed on his ideas. Yes I agreed planning was necessary, you need to know your sales funnel, what goes where, and have a process to take your clients through that will lead them to purchasing from you BUT ideas are one thing, taking action is where the money's really at!
4. Consistent Implementation
I was listening to Brian Tracey in a webinar last night and he said something profound as he usually does, he said most people fail in business because they try something once and fail and don't bother to keep trying until they get it right. Hmm how true! That's why this last key to wealth, consistent implementation is what separates the professional success seekers and the ones who will ultimately succeed in building lasting wealth versus those who are just curious.
When I started doing demos and selling mops, I experienced a lot of failure. Actually a lot is understatement! Successful people are those who are willing to fail a bit on the way to getting it right. - Seth Godin
That's why consistent is such an important word in this last key to building wealth. I find the best way to keep me in consistent action and moving forward is to have accountability partners. Whether that be a coach, mentor, mastermind group or support group of peeps to keep me in check.
Consistency builds momentum. When you have momentum you become like a freight train, almost unstoppable when rolling at full force!
Dedicate time each week to working on your business thinking and strategizing versus only working in your business. Get an accountability partner or commit to becoming part of a mastermind group. Who can support you in moving forward? How can you surround yourself with peers to bounce ideas off of and keep you in consistent action?
I guarantee if you employ all of the 4 keys to building wealth this year you are setting yourself up for abundance, prosperity and true wealth this year!
Full Power to Your Success!
To find out more about Vanessa Simpkins, her workshops in Costa Rica, USA and Canada and to get your FREE audio "How to Sky Rocket Your Confidence & Cash Flow: 5 of the Biggest Money, Mindset and Power Leaks Entrepreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them" visit her website

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Don't Limit Yourself: Work Your Mind

Often times people get into a rut and begin to put themselves in a box.
Becoming comfortable with the way their life is, but not being happy with their lives in general.
Not knowing how to change their lives, not knowing how to grow, and not knowing how to expand as a human being.
Believing that the world they've created around them is the world that they live.
Technically it is, but it doesn't have to be.
Don't limit yourself.
Earlier today I was having a discussion with a friend and I mentioned to them about a new book I purchased.
Their reply to me was,"You read books?"
Yes I read books!
The comment really hit me hard because I got away from reading daily like I used to.
Not to undermined anyone that doesn't read, but like most things when you make it a habit it's tough to do without.
Get yourself into the habit or doing things differently if you are dissatisfied with you life.
Your mind is like a garden and what you put into your mind will grow and your thoughts will shape who you are and who you become.
For myself, reading helps me to shape my thoughts in a way that provides new possibilities in my life.
Honestly, it brightens my day.
Reading for 15-30 min a day can make a massive change in your life.
Reading things that motivate, inspire, challenge, and get you moving in a new direction.
Don't limit yourself on the things that you can learn.
Don't limit yourself on the people you associate yourself with.
And more importantly don't limit yourself on the things that you can do.
Become who you want to be by reading books and surrounding yourself around those who can be an asset to your life.
To be in a frame of mind that reading can't change your life and reshape your thoughts is putting yourself into a box and is an excuse for you to put limits on yourself.
Being today to see life in a bigger picture and imagine more out of life if you are someone that is feeling stuck.
Reading, working your mind, and taking action can be a valuable resource in getting yourself unstuck.
You have the power to regain control, but it's going to take some work.
It's about creating new habits and reshaping your mind.
That's what separates the winners from the losers.
Don't limit yourself!
Best Wishes!

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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Be First to Get Paid

I have attended many personal development trainings, seminars, have read many books about financial success and they all say "Pay Yourself First".
This concept is pretty easy, when you get paid; first thing to do is to put some of money into savings account. It doesn't matter how much as long as you pay yourself first and bills and other payments comes second.
People with financial difficulties tend to forget themselves and first thing they do when get paid they pay all bills and see what is left over. I used to do that and then get depressed because nothing much has left for me.
We get what we put out there. If I don't pay myself first then nobody else will and I will stay broke forever. So I started to put aside some money on the day I got paid. I opened savings account with my bank and set up standing order and small amount every months went into my savings account. Firsts thought was that how I will survive without that money but interesting thing was that I didn't even miss that amount. I used to pay more than that for chocolates and since I took up healthy (healthier) lifestyle I don't buy as much chocolates anyway.
And there is a "but". My savings didn't really go up until I changed one thing. Before that I used to put some money in and take same amount out. I used to dip into my saving when I needed or didn't need it. One day I found some pennies in my purse and decided to put them in money jar and I noticed something that I wasn't aware of, I felt very bad when putting money into that pot. It felt like part of me is taken away from me and I did a bit of thinking.
I felt bad about paying myself and my subconscious mind thought if I don't like it then I should not be doing it. So every time I put money into jar for myself, I created experiences in my life so I would take it out again. Like a vicious circle. No matter how much I put in it never stays there anyway.
Awareness is the first step to change. Once I noticed it I changed the way I feel about it and my savings started to go up. When you start doing something for first time notice how you feel and decide whether feeling this way will help you to make positive change in life.

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5 Steps To Transforming Your Mind

For most of us, change is excruciatingly hard. We're creatures of habit. We like to find a system or method of doing things and sticking to it until becomes second nature. And we don't have to think about it. And once we find a system, we don't want to change under any circumstances.
Even if the way we're doing things are inefficient, slow or costly!
Even if there is a more efficient, faster and less expensive way of doing something, we many times refuse to change and cling to the familiar! Many of us won't change unless forced to.
The New Economic Reality
Most of us are familiar with the economic situation in the last eight to 10 years. We know the good old days of near full employment are over. Many of the jobs we thought we could depend on are gone forever. Even in the information technology sector where I work, jobs are going over sees to the lowest bidder. When employees leave or retire, most of the jobs are not filled. "We're doing more with less" as the cliche goes.
We live in a world were depending on one income can be a financial disaster. However, many of us still think our jobs will be around forever and aren't prepared for the future, which is right now. In today's economic climate, you have to be willing to learn new skills, adapt to new ways of doing things and find other ways of making money.
Many of us seek part-time employment in addition to our full-time jos. Not a bad idea but sometimes part-time jobs can lead to more stress, more hours away from home and more time away from family. The whole point of working a part-time job is to supplement your current income.
After a while, the return on investment of your time away from family and home and the relatively little increase income doesn't seem worth it. So many of us decided to start home businesses.
But to be successful at an home business, you must change or transform your way of thinking.
Transforming Your Mind
For years, I tried to run my home business like a hobby. I would sell or market my business when ever the urge hit me. And I've tried many home business but I wasn't successful because I didn't run my at home business like a business.
I could not escape the "working mentality." Like most of us, I was raised to go to school, get an education and get a good job. So I expected to put in some time and magically some money would appear. When the money didn't appear after a few weeks or a month, I would say the business didn't work.
Couldn't seem to wrap my head around the fact that you have to put in time, money and effort into your business consistently. Sometimes it takes months before you start making money because in many cases it takes that long to change your mindset.
What it Takes To Change Your Mindset
Change is not easy. If it were, most people would do it pretty easily. Change must intentional. You must make a conscious effort to change the way you do things before it becomes second nature. You might revert back to your old ways sometimes but as long make the effort to change, you will.
As I sat down and thought about how I've had to change my mindset over the past year, I thought of seven steps that has enabled to slowly change from an employee mindset to a business owner mindset. Here are the steps below:
  • Change your associations - As the whole saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together. If you want to be a business person, you might want to hang around business people. If you want to stop a negative behavior, you have to disassociate yourself from those people. Not always easy because some of those bad associations may be friends and family.

  • Change what you listen to - I get on my kids all the time about wrap music. I tell them "garbage in, garbage out." If you listen to negative people, music, words, etc. Those words will become part of you. Conversely, if you listen to positive words, inspirational music and listen to positive people, you will see how your mind changes over time.

  • Change what you view - I've pretty much stop listening to the news. It's all negative. Everything happening in the world isn't negative but that's what sells and captures people's attention. You have a choice over what you see. Look at educational DVDs, television shows and books. Your view of the world will be positive and you will see the world from a positive point of view.

  • Change the places you go - I remember wanting to stop drinking and cursing as much. Well, I had to stop going to night clubs and bars. No matter how strong willed you are, if you hang around places where people smoke and drink, chances are, you're going to smoke and drink. If you want to change your behavior, you have to stay away from those places and/or hang around more positive places such as church, supportive family and friends, or get involved in community events.

  • Change what you think about - This may seem a bit vague but what I mean by changing what you think about is focus on things outside of yourself. Focus on helping or serve others. Take your mind off the negative and try to see the positive in situations. Think on things that will positively impact someone. Focus on ideas that has helped you and can help others in a positive way.
Understand that changing or transforming your mind is a PROCESS. Chances are, it's not going to happen overnight. Change is hard but necessary if you're going to achieve the goals you set out for yourself.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

3 Keys to Go From Desire to Dollars

If you have a desire in your heart it can be converted into dollars. The passion that you have can be transformed into profit. When you are blessed to generate a profit you can help more people, do things you enjoy doing and not be in bondage to money stress.
Just because you are making a difference does not mean you can't make money. And just because you have a desire doesn't mean that your desire can't be converted to dollars. Now if you have a desire that you don't want to be converted to dollars that is okay, but many of us understand that when we are able to make money we are able to give more and live more.
This article is going to provide you with 3 keys to go from desire to dollar, of course there are many more than 3 keys that connect desire and dollars, but we will look at 3 critical keys to get you going in the right direction.
1. Believe In Your Desire:
If you ever want to convert your desire into dollars you must believe in your desire. Whatever it is you are being divinely inspired to do you must have faith that it will generate a profit. You can't expect to make money if you don't believe in yourself or the service you are providing. And if you are being divinely led to turn your passion into profit, sooner or later you will see some activity in your money flow.
It is important to look for progress during the process. So even if you make an extra dollar or two it is critical to show gratitude for that, and feel blessed with the little, and that can lead to bigger financial blessings.
2. Pursue Money Making Opportunities:
In order to go from desire to dollars you must pursue profit generating opportunities. Now this is not chasing money. This is recognizing and seizing the opportunities that are being divinely presented to you to increase your income. I don't believe in chasing money, but what I do believe in is making money.
I learned the hard way that making money is not wrong. And I also learned that we can make money and make a difference. My motto is always POP (People Over Profit). And what I have seen is when you have the right motive, follow divine guidance and have faith, the financial floodgates can open for you.
However, it is not realistic to think that the money is just going to show up at the door and say "Hey there. I heard you have been looking for me." You have to move toward what you want to see happen in your financial life.
3. Take Action and Keep Taking Action:
It is important to take inspired action and move forward. You could have been presented with an amazing opportunity to make money, but if you don't take action it won't make a penny. Taking action is difficult for a lot of people for many reasons. They may procrastinate, have doubt, a fear of failure, or a fear of being ridiculed. If any of those action antagonists apply to you identify them, deal with them and conquer them.

Article Source:

Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is the founder of The Character and Self-Esteem (CASE) Institute where she provides life coach training and certification. 

One Key to Success is Positive Emotions

Do you want your life to be more positive in every area? Your health, your wellbeing even your feelings of success and happiness? Then one key you need to utilize to unlock this flight to success is your positive emotional energy.
Think about it for a moment, you have had a day when something good happened (getting that job, he or she said yes to going out with you or something else that was important to YOU) and you were happy. Along with that happy, smiling, bright-eyed feeling came some excited energy. On the other side of that same coin is that vacuum of no energy that comes should something unpleasant happen to you.

See the pattern? Your emotions either provide you with energy or suck it right out of you. Positive emotions provide a pool of excited and charged energy while negative emotions pull the plug on that pool and your energy swirls right down the drain. When you emotions are positive you sparkle with energy and enthusiasm, you interactive more with the people around you, they respond more positively to you and you even think more creatively. However, when you are depressed, angry or negative for any reason (valid or not), you feel tired, listless, frustrated and finally burnt out.
You body has a “ladder” of energy. When you are not doing physical labor it takes approximately one thousand units of physical energy to operate your body and all it’s essentially systems. Your body in its intelligent design converts one level of conserved energy up to the next level when it is unused. Those one thousand units of physical energy can also be refined by your body to create one hundred units of emotional energy. This far more refined emotional energy is absolutely critical to healthy emotional functioning.

If you do not consume those emotional energy units via some expression of negative emotions (i.e. fear, anger, doubt or even resentment) then they are conserved. Again, this conserved energy will be refined up to the next level. One hundred units of conserved emotional energy will be refined and converted into ten units of mental energy. This mental energy enables you to think more open and creatively.

One example of the energy robbing potential of negative emotions is anger. Have you ever seen someone so angry with someone or something that they were literally shaking? This shaking with anger is their body burning up sugar based energy call glucose. This depletion of energy keeps it from being conserved and refined so it can be used as emotional or mental energy. Thus, they are literally weakening themselves in more ways than one when they have such angry flare-ups.
Success people are more productive, not just working more hours but working smarter hours. More often then not, they get more done in the same period of time than the average person – thus they get paid more and promoted far faster than the average person. They become role models for their fellow associates, and even become leaders for them. Highly respected and most esteemed they rise to the top of their field and into the upper range of the income available to that field. You too can be one of these highly respected, highly paid, highly esteemed leaders.

To do this though you will need to take some pointers from such successful people. Points like not taking things personally. Successful people also tend to avoid getting drawn into other people’s issues or arguments. This saves that energy for far more productive purposes. They also have learned the benefits of relaxation. Those periods of time off from work, whether spent at some exotic location or just chilling around the house are not so much just to relax your physical body. At some point of success you’re probably not working your physical body too hard but you probably are working your mental and emotional capacities to a high point of fatigue. So the aim of this period of rest and relaxation is to recharge your mental and emotional batteries so you can in turn improve your quality of life.
One last point to share is that these success people have learned to keep themselves calm far longer than the average person does. They have refined that conserved physical energy into emotional energy so they are more relaxed, amiable and in control of their emotions. They have become aware that the flare-ups discussed earlier rob them of the precious mental state and resources they need to be effective and get the more important things done. They avoid becoming angry or update over the trival things that life offers and often even the larger things we all come across. They remain steadfast, objective and detached so they can react, resolve, re-plan and remove the issue.

Take action:
These are all actions you can do and the results will be those that every other successful person as been rewarded with. Here are three specific actions I would suggest putting into your life right away so you can reap the reward you desire:
Keep your thoughts focused on your goal and aspirations. Avoid being sucked down the energy draining path of people and situations that generate negative emotions and stress. I’m not saying it will be easy but I am saying it is a very important skill to master.
When you do find yourself in a situation of difficulty or pressure, remain calm and positively focused. Avoid becoming angry or enraged conserve your energy so you can in turn focus it on those goal and aspirations you truly desire. Even the most difficult of situation have some positive aspect perhaps your time is best spent zeroing in on that aspect and how you can use it to your advantage.

Lastly as mentioned earlier – you need to get ample buy cheap Nimotop online rest. Getting the right amount of sleep on a regular basis is one key point. Top that off with time away from your mental and emotional “work-outs” so you can fully recharge all your inner batteries will make you far more effective and efficient.

Thinks Successfully & Take Action

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Monday, 25 May 2015

Freedom Is: Doing What You Want to Do!

How many times have you thought, yes, I'd like to do that, but I couldn't because... What stops us doing what we want to do, is it fear of the unknown? How different our lives would be if we actually did some of those things. Perhaps its time to experience a few simple things you've always dreamed of.
Why not begin with some small things, an amazing holiday, perhaps learning to ski? A completely new wardrobe in a new colour palate or style, you could introduce items a few at a time. Maybe a new way of spending weekends; or changing your eating habits for a healthy Mediterranean diet, or some other secret wish.
If your dream is much bigger it will need some serious thought and planning. First be sure you know what you want, there is a saying - "be careful what you wish for it might just happen". Secondly don't rush off on a tangent, only act after you have given an exciting idea some serious consideration. Take time to plan how you can execute your dream as a step by step plan. This gives you time to envisage living your dream and a chance to make any changes to the initial idea.
A number of years ago we decided we hated cold winters, so we started to consider the benefits of living abroad and started looking at places where we would like to live. However we don't like the cold neither did we like Mediterranean summers they are too hot for us to feel comfortable.
Meanwhile I decided to develop my entrepreneurial spirit and learn more about the internet. I had previously joined internet membership websites and built a few websites of my own. So things began taking shape I would learn internet marketing which I could work at anywhere with a laptop and internet connection. This would help to fund our venture, and give me an interesting paying hobby, whilst my partner enjoys sport. How big it will develop depends on the time and effort I invest, I love spending time developing it and watching it grow in popularity.
Last summer we bought a large static mobile home sited near fishing lakes in a quiet part of Lincolnshire for us to spend our summers in. We chose Lincolnshire as my partner has friends and family in the area, also my elderly Mother lives nearby, an important consideration. In fact we spent many long sunny weekends there last summer.
Meanwhile we have decided on Spain as our winter destination, found a house near the beach on the edge of a typical Spanish town and are in the process of selling the house here and buying in Spain. So all it takes is some serious thought, a good plan, some effort and a bit of luck and it can all come together.
What is your Dream? Make it happen, take charge of your life.
It's not nearly as scary when taken step by step as part of a plan. You have time to make adjustments along the way.
In a few months time we expect to be spending the summer by the fishing lakes and by the autumn we expect to be living in Spain, with maybe a few summer visitors renting the house in Spain in the meantime. It's all looking pretty good and appears to be falling into place.
Now if one of your dreams is fulfilling an entrepreneurial spirit by running your own on-line business, so that when you are ready to semi-retire you can live anywhere you fancy; by the lakes, the beach, and a choice of many countries, now is the time to begin. Start now and build a hobby business whilst you are in paid employment.
Either develop an existing hobby or learn something new. Start small and expand your business when you have honed your skills and are ready to retire. You will have a great interest that you have developed. Once your business is completely set up and functioning fully it requires relatively simple maintenance leaving lots of spare time to live your life to the full.
Life is full of surprises you will be amazed at what you can achieve if you decide what you want; put your mind to work to achieve it, together with some determination and energy, and you will see your idea flourish and fulfil your dreams.
So I will close wishing you an exciting fulfilling future.
My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"

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Importance of Vision in Life

The purpose of your life becomes important as you get older. This is especially true when a person matures from imitating their heroes and mentors. Just as Oprah stated in an interview, she realized she could be a much better Oprah instead of trying to be a Barbara Walters. When we reach this point, we focus more on having a vision for our lives.

Having goals is the beginning step to forming a vision for your life. When we set a goal and achieve it, the next step of growth is becoming excellent at that skill/talent. Upon excelling at a skill, the question or innate inclination will begin to nudge at you asking “is this it?” Or, as Miles Davis experienced early in his career, someone will point out to you that you are excellent at imitating someone else. However, the knock of opportunity comes everyone gets the call to be unique. Answering this knock means you develop a vision for your life that is larger than your goals, it is your life’s vision.

Just as goals direct our energy and attention in a constructive manner, having a vision reveals your purpose. Although developing a vision for your life brings you to the mature understanding that you are working toward something larger than yourself, it does require you to think and be uniquely you. You begin to think about your legacy and being part of something that contributes to others in a good way. To catch the vision for your life, you have to think independently asking what makes you come alive.

Naturally, you are unique. You are the only version of you that will ever be on this planet. It is right for you to believe you are distinctive, extraordinary, and you are here for a purpose. Also, it is important to know life is a learning process. This truth with the practice of goal setting and achieving goals will help you recognize your life vision. This vision will escalate you to the next level of your amazing life. It will demonstrate your value and each day you will get up with a purpose.

Once you clearly identify the vision for your life, you will work tirelessly. Start now by paying attention to what you are good at and like doing. Listen to the compliments others give you about what you do well. Keep a list of these skills and qualities to become conscious and to excel at these talents. Cultivating your excellence in these areas will connect you with others that like or need what you do well. Your excellence, achieving your goals, and becoming aware of your unique skills leads to the vision of your life. Your vision will then drive your life to the stratosphere of an extraordinary life experience that contributes to the world while bringing you to your purpose.

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Friday, 22 May 2015

Five Confidence Boosters for Your Success

Self-confidence is often a challenge when engaging in a new activity or venture. What exactly is confidence? And what makes it appear that some have it and others don't? It is all in the appearance, fake it until you make it. Faking it is feeling that you already are that which you want. Every professional you can think of was once an amateur that had self-doubts that we were not aware of. Yet they persevered though all odds and kept going. Having confidence in one's self is having the faith that it will all turn out okay and that you're doing the best you know how. It paid off for those them, so it will for you. While you continue to do your best there are tools you can use to boost your confidence, here are five of them:
1. Take small steps
Every day is a chance for you to take another step. Say you wanted to run a marathon. You wouldn't just get up and run the event. First you would plan and follow the plan to build up your confidence. You might want to start walking a mile or two a day and then slowly work your way up to running that same distance. Eventually you will be at the point to run the whole thing or at the very list complete it. The confidence boost gained from finishing starts with working your way up from one step at a time.
2. Keeping a daily record
It is great when you can take some action each day towards your goals. However, keeping score is an added booster to taking action. Say for example you wanted to lose weight. Keep a daily log of your calories and exercise is a great way to see how far you have come. However, what I am suggesting here is keep a daily record of your accomplishments. This is different from checking things off your to do list if you keep one. While doing that may make you feel accomplished I suggest writing down what you actually did that moved you a step or several steps towards your goals. While acknowledging your daily accomplishments at the end of the day, you may have done something towards you goal that popped up during the day.
3. Do something you enjoy doing
Do you enjoy playing golf? Crochet? Or any number of hobbies you may have done in the past and been successful at. It is a great confidence boost to do something you once found enjoyment in. One of the good things about the body is muscle memory. I recently went for a run after suffering for months from shin splints and found myself remembering how good I was at sprinting. Grant you I am not a pro runner but that brief run triggered a bit of a confidence boost for me. So, what is it you did in the past that you have neglected that would help reboot your confidence?
4. Wrap yourself in your accomplishments
Keeping a book of your past accomplishments. What are you most proud of doing? This could be anything and should include everything. Maybe it was running for class president, speaking up when you needed to or that awesome report card in high school. What matters here is that somewhere along your journey you accomplished something. It is a great tool to boost your confidence when you take a few minutes to look back. Sub-consciously you know you did these things but it is good to refresh your memory. Who know it may just give you the boost to go for that job you have been wanting or whatever it may be.
5. Extending our comfort zone.
When you challenge yourself to learn something new you expand your comfort level. It also helps to create new neurological pathways to help with problem solving and creativity. So take a dance class or a cooking class. You may find that everyone in that activity is just as afraid and nervous as you are. Nothing boosts your confidence as sharing the experience of learning something new and helping each other learn. It is a win for your brain and a way to recognize that we all share the same emotions.
While some people seem to radiate confidence and others not, we all experience doubt at times. Acknowledging that we are fearful and using tools to build our confidence can help. Most of us on the planet walk. It is because each time we fell as a child we got up and tried again. We may have our parents and others encouraging us to walk. As we walk further and further we became pros at walking and even moved up to running. To build your confidence, be your own cheerleader. And if you find that difficult find a mentor or coach who will help.The more confidence you build for yourself the more you will succeed and inspire others to do the same.

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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Poverty Sucks and Wealth Is Your Birth Right

This is the type of subject that can really gets emotions flared up, but hey if you are living in some form of poverty you are going to have to get flared up and extremely purposeful to get out of it. It doesn't make any sense complaining about it before you have at least tried to accumulate wealth. I'm not talking to those who are very vulnerable and under age; no I'm talking to those persons who feels that accumulating any type of wealth is just completely out of your control.
I'm here to say, that is just the paradigm that is feeding your reality; it's not actually real. Wealth is not just for the very few, wealth is for everyone; and those that know this access it first within themselves, then they bring it into their physical world. Those people whom you see break all types of barriers and find themselves living like kings and queens are actually people who were willing to believe they could.
Let's face it poverty sucks. I see what poverty has done and I can tell you this, I'm not impressed. I'd rather follow wealth and see exactly what wealth can do through me. This is why I am connecting with experts and leaders to create The Millionaire's Think Tank; we are fired up to create wealth and help others to do the same. It is our vision to interrupt the mind that is brainwashed by poverty's power and restore to those minds empowerment, so that others can live their dreams and awaken others to the possibilities. Yes that's right, awaken others! Because contrary to what a lot of people believe they were created to bring forth light; an example of well-being. We were created to do marvellous things; and that is why we were created with minds that can develop, and at will connect with spirit. However most of us live through the television or what culture or society deems as possible; we've forgotten and in doing so we've surrendered our purpose here.
Wake up! You have been called to greatness and succumbing to your circumstances is buying into the lie that you are not worthy of that greatness; when greatness is what is holding up your entire mind, body and spirit. We've got to eliminate that mind-set that says wealth is bad, or having money is bad. All you need to do is really look around and see that poverty does more bad than good. Poverty kills the spirit. Poverty ruins homes. Poverty discourages growth. Poverty increases strife. Poverty kills dreams. Poverty convinces the mind to shut down our creative imagination to find wealth.
If this is you, then the first thing you will need to do is find people who are thinking, as you would like to think. Those who are producing the results and working on what you would like to do. It's just not possible to create wealth amongst people who will hate you for it, or insist that poverty is your birth-right.
You've got to mix with those bold people; the ones they call crazy, because they are the ones who change the world; and isn't that what you want to do, change the world.
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on our side whose only motive is to see us operate in your full potential. 
If you should desire to have this contact me Donniece Greene-Smith - Self Actualisation Expert, Teacher, Speaker and Coach in Self-Actualisation and Personal Development. at Website:
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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Creating Money Using the Law of Attraction: Why Most People Fail!

When creating money with the Law of Attraction, many people are led to believe that if they say a few money affirmations or a particular wealth affirmation over and over again, they are building the foundation for wealth. However, many times there is a key element left out of their practice of the Law of Attraction and this article discusses this key ingredient to making the Law of Attraction work consistently.
While many people "sell the Law of Attraction" as a magical potion or as one of the more creative ways to make money, creating money from nothing takes a bit more than just reciting money affirmations, learning how to attract money or using the Law of Attraction for money goals that are not in line with our deeper commitments and beliefs.
The key term here being "Commitment." Why? Because there is a magic to the energy of commitment that, if you use it, it will make the Law of Attraction work consistently for you.
Why is this? I think Goethe says it best:
"... the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

What does this mean exactly? That commitment has a certain "energy about it" to which the Law of Attraction responds and "energy is key" when creating money using the Law of Attraction.
In fact, energy is key when trying to manifest anything with the Law of Attraction, but is frequently missed because people are so focused on reciting money affirmations or doing other "intellectual" ways to invoking the Law of Attraction, which have "hit and miss" results. This can be frustrating and is why many people give up before reaching their goals.
If you want to get the Law of Attraction's attention, you want to speak to it "energetically" and commitment is one of the key energetic ways of enlisting the Law of Attraction's help to manifest money and discover the secret of wealth that comes from having a deep sense of certainty inside of yourself because you know, without a doubt, that you have found the true power for making the Law of Attraction respond to your "every whim."

Commitment is especially key when creating money using the Law of Attraction because just like learning to ride a bicycle, there are things to learn about how to attract money using the Law of Attraction, which means there is a learning curve to building the foundation for wealth. 
Staying committed throughout the learning curve of learning how to manifest money is how money is created because as you get better at learning the art of the Law of Attraction through your continued commitment to learning the process, you get better and better at creating money. 
Sadly, though, many people lack the belief and commitment to stay the course and give up when they are "three feet away from the prize" because they don't realize how important commitment and self-responsibility are to making the Law of Attraction work. 

Commitment is also important because it gives you that internal "nudge" to keep you going, while at the same time "nudges" the Law of Attraction to keep going for you. 
Suffice to say that once you are committed to making something happen, it usually does happen... no matter what. Especially if you keep the "no matter what" in mind. Another great quote I've heard about commitment is: 

"Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, no matter what." ~Joe Neid

Many people fail to make the Law of Attraction work for themselves because they are not guided to "stay consistent throughout the learning curve" or to use energetic techniques in place of the more common intellectual techniques. Having a deep sense of commitment makes things happen energetically, whether you are intellectually "thinking about your goals" or not.
While there are other energetic means of making the Law of Attraction work, when creating money using the Law of Attraction, it is essential to use the "energetic signature" of staying committed to your goal because it is through energetic means such as this that the Law of Attraction responds... no matter what.

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Saying It Isn't The Same As Feeling It!

In order to feel it you have to trust it.
Trust is the difference between SAYING you believe something is true and ACTING as if it were true!
You can SAY all you want, but unless you trust in the truth of your words, they will be like empty promises ringing in the dead air!
Believing you can do something is the starting point from which you must begin, but unless you KNOW that you WILL do it, you won't have the energy to follow through and take the action needed to get things moving in the direction of your desires.
It's all about trusting your creative nature to do its job.
So you have to not only say you will be there to do something, you have to actually turn up and do it! And your desire to turn up and do it is in direct proportion to the trust you have in your ability to do it!

So the starting point is a desire for something with the belief that it's possible.
Yet belief in possibility alone is never going to be enough without the energy to take what is possible and make it actual.
And here is the stumbling block for most people who have tried and failed to activate their power of positive creation...

They desire something, they even believe that it's possible, but they FEAR that they will not get the results they want.
Emotion trumps words every time - feeling is the creative force of the universe, not just words or thoughts or desires.
Words and thoughts and desires kick the creative energy into motion, but without the emotion (e-motion = energy in motion) the words and thoughts and desires will fall on barren ground like carelessly scattered seeds.

This is how people try and fail to activate the Law of Attraction for positive creation.
So many of us don't realise that our fears are activating negative attraction which in turn attracts more and more negativity until we are pulled into failure like a cork being sucked into a whirlpool!
And pretty soon we give up trying because the pain of shattered dreams is far, far worse than the dull ache of mediocrity that we have become accustomed to.
You see, it's easy to justify staying where we are because of the comfort zone that we build around us.
It is far more comforting to know what to expect in our lives from the mediocrity that we surround ourselves with, than it is to venture out into the unknown!
Where there are unknown variables there could be danger, and danger creates fear.

It is the fear that keeps us where we are.
Until we can build our desires and beliefs into positive trust that is stronger than our fear, we will remain trapped where we are.
We may venture out occasionally, but the elastic band of our fears will eventually SNAP us back at the first sign of adversity.
So what we need to do is first of all be aware of what is going on in our lives. Only then can we stand a chance of changing it.

Knowledge and experience come from study. So we must study our thoughts and emotions to find out where we are directing our creative power.
For most of us, that focus will be generally negative, with the occasional positive thoughts scattered here and there... even carelessly scattered seeds might find some rich soil to grow in occasionally.
But the key is to realise that our successes in life happen for a reason, and when we can identify what those reasons are, and focus our attention upon more of the same, then we will be able to control more and more of our results.

Thus self-awareness is the first step in making positive changes.
But do not exercise judgemental self-awareness.
Simply become a passive observer, like someone watching clouds pass across the sky. Do not attach any meaning to the clouds, simply watch what they do. Thoughts, like clouds can dissipate and move on. They are constantly on the move.
Take note of the thoughts and feelings that you experience regularly.
Only by being aware of where you are now can you make the changes in direction that will create a new destiny for yourself.

You cannot change what you are unaware of. So become aware.
Once you are aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can make the effort to begin changing. And that comes with practice.
Remember that your current habits of thought and feeling have had plenty of practice to be as effortless as they are. In order to change, you have to erase and replace these old ideas, which takes time.

But now that you know how it works you have a better chance of making lasting changes that will benefit you in your future endeavours.
Inspiring Records use the power of music and affirmations to control the results we get in our lives by changing the underlying programs that make us what we are. You control the input to your sub-conscious by choosing what you want to think and feel by recording new ideas directly into the deepest part of your mind. You become the creator of your own life! Find out more at

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Get Into A Reading Rhythm

Many people ask me how do I manage to get through so many books?, and my response is that I have a reading routine and rhythm. I'll share my recipe with you. Try this for one month and see how much progress you make. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. A sitcom generally airs for a half of an hour at a time with dramas and soap operas airing for an hour or more. Instead of watching the sitcoms or drama programs, turn the television off and use the time to read. That's right... READ. Let's say that you watch three sitcoms for a half of an hour each. Choose three books that you are currently reading or would like to read. Read each book for a half of an hour each (the same time you would have spent watching the sitcoms). Set a timer if you need to in order to keep you on track. At the end of the thirty minutes, change to the next book and begin reading it and at the end of that thirty minutes, move to the third book. If you do this once a day for a month, you will be absolutely amazed at the number of books you will complete in that time and ultimately in a year.
It's not that we don't have the time to read, it's more like we don't TAKE/MAKE the time to read. If television is not your thing and you spend an inordinate amount of time on the computer or on social networks, the same recipe will apply; just insert the word computer in the blank where I have TV above. In fact any other time consuming activity will work to fill in the blank. In other words, I am asking you to substitute reading for one of the other activities.
I cannot express the myriad benefits of you doing this here in this post. If you cannot do the ninety minutes, start off with thirty minutes and work your way up. Give up one sitcom to read a few chapters in a good book. Research says that anything done for thirty days becomes a habit (good or bad), so give it a try and watch how quickly you increase the number of books you have read in a week, month, and year's time. I dare you to challenge yourself. Happy Reading!
I invite you to download for free The Reading Circle Mobile App on iTunes. I also invite you to listen to The Reading Circle book talk radio program each Saturday morning beginning at 6 a.m. ET on and locally in northern NJ on WP88.7 FM. Lastly, I invite you to follow me on Twitter @thinkcritical01 and visit my website at
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You Just Need to Change Your Mind-Set to Become Successful in Life

We all want to be successful in life. But the fact is attaining success is not at all easy. At the same time, we know it's also not impossible because all of us do achieve success in one aspect of life or the other. When we fail in life, obviously there are reasons for our failure. There must be certain things which we did wrong and that lead to failure. May be, our approach to tackling the situation was not appropriate. Or our reaction to the situation was not correct.
And these are the time, we get words of wisdom from our elders, professors, seniors in office or friends that "you need to change your mind-set to be successful in life". Then the obvious question is what is mind-set, how and when is our mind-set formed? Is mind-set so important that it decides success or failure for a person? And above all can we change our mind-sets? Let's try to find our answers.

What is mind-set?
Mind-set is a mixture of our belief system, values, knowledge, attitude, goals and experience gained in life. And all this forms part of our personality. And it is through this mind-set that we look at events and circumstances and also choose our response. Mind-sets are the glasses through which we try to see events and also devise our response. Since these are our pre conceived notions about the situation, which at times are totally different from actual ground situation, we limit ourselves in the way we respond to the situation. This may also lead to failures in life.

When and how are mind-sets formed?
Mind-set formation process starts from the day we are born. Our parents sow the first seed in the fertile land which is our mind. So we start looking at this world through the mind-sets of our parents. They teach us based on their experiences of life and their belief system. They tell us what is good and what is bad for us. They teach us values which they believe are correct. They tell us if we touch hot objects, our fingers will be burnt. And when we don't trust and touch hot objects, we actually suffer burns. So our parent's lessons followed by our real life experience reaffirm the thought that we should avoid touching hot objects.
And then we have our grandparents, teachers, relatives and friends who shape up our belief system over years. Their belief system is based on the area of influence they were exposed to. And this is how our mind-set, our personality develops.
All this while when we experience any real life situation which is in alignment with our thought process, then our belief system further strengthens and starts accepting it as absolutely correct. On the other hand when certain experiences are contrary to our belief system, we slightly modify our mind-set. However it is rare, when real life experience is so dramatic, that we completely take a totally different view from what we were taught. Otherwise we are resistant to change.

What is the need for change in mind-set?
Success cannot be achieved unless we develop a correct mind-set.There is no doubt that the people who played a key role in developing our mind-set are our well wishers and they taught us what they felt was correct approach to life. But they may not be experts is all walks of life.
For example, you may be afraid of talking to people. You may be an introvert. You are not street smart and you find it very difficult to get your work done through others. The reason could be you were under influence of your father who was also an introvert. Since this was not his area of strength, he could not guide you in this aspect of life. Further there was no other influence in your life to correct this behaviour. And the result is you envy with your extrovert friends.
Similarly you could be conservative in the upbringing of your daughter. The roots of the same may go back to your grandmother who used to discriminate while ushering her love and affection between you and your sister. Just because she did it that way doesn't mean this was the right approach.
You may lack positive attitude while dealing with difficult and uncertain situations. You are happy living in a complacent zone where you are not willing to change job or are not ready to start your own business. And if one peeps into your mind-set, he find that your lack of positive attitude in life is because your father suffered midlife crisis in his career. When he was at the peak of his career, he lost his job and later on, he could not get a respectable job despite his best efforts. And hence fear of failure has shattered your self-confidence. Whenever you think of taking bold steps for professional growth, this fear takes control of your mind and stops you from taking any rational decision.

How can we change our mind-set?
We fail to realize the true potential of mind power. Have you ever imagined that for most of the people, mind-set develops in an auto mode? Isn't it strange that since childhood we allow only others to shape up our mind? Initially it was fine that we learn from other's experiences and value system. But over years, our mind gets so used to nurturing from outside world that it completely forgets that god has given us the unique power and ability to shape up, groom and develop our mind power exactly the way we want.
The first step in changing our mind-set is the realization that there could be certain short comings in our personality that we need to rectify. This should be followed by identification of specific shortcomings in our personality. Few of them we can identify on our own. For others we should be open to accepting constructive feedback from our well-wishers. Few common shortcomings could be lack of self-confidence, negative mind-set, lack of trust, selfish attitude, mind-set dominated by fear of failure etc.
The most important thing we need to realize is that we can bring positive changes in our mind-set over time. We should have the desire to change for the betterment.

"The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat" - Napoleon Hill

We have the power to shape up our fate. Just because we failed in the past doesn't mean that we will fail again in future. However chances of failure increases if we face challenges with a pre conceived mind-set of fear of failure. We just need to develop self-confidence. It is one of the keys to success. We should have firm belief in our capabilities. We need to visualise the changes we want to bring in our lives. We need to tell our mind clearly, these are the goals we need to achieve and this is the time frame. Once we start executing our plans with a positive mind-set, all the holy forces in this Mother Nature come together to help us achieve our dreams. Hundreds of options open up.

"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude" - Oprah Winfrey

We need to have the courage and determination to take charge of our mind. Failures are part of life and they are building blocks for success. It is up to us to learn lessons from our failure and improvise in life. Otherwise the easy option is to remain in a complacent zone blaming everybody else except us for our failures. We should have the perseverance to fight in adverse circumstances and overcome failures and shortcomings.
"A man is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open" - Frank Zappa

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Monday, 18 May 2015

Gain Wealth - What It Takes to Be Successful in Life

Do not get caught in the false concept that having wealth will mean you have been successful in life. Success is not measured by your wealth and abundance, success is the outcome of following your passion, not being distracted from it, keeping a positive state of mind and being thankful. If you can do those four things you will have a successful life. It is only after you have a successful life that you will gain the wealth and abundance you desire.
Know your passion
The first step to having a successful life is to find out what your passion is and live it every moment of every day. We too often spend time pursuing careers that were suggested to us by others instead of following our passion. When you can choose to have the courage to not worry about pleasing others in the career you pursue and instead choose to follow your passion and do what you love you will be successful. It may take time to learn to excel at your passion, but if it is your passion then you will love "working" every day because it wont be work, it will be a joy.
Be singularly focused
If you want to be successful you have to be able to not just pursue your passion but pursue it with singular focus. It is so easy to get distracted by all of the opportunities that are out there that you could pursue. The problem is that you will never have success at your passion if you are not able to be singularly focused on your passion. The more you get distracted, the more you try to multitask, the less successful you will be and the lower your success will be.
Stay Positive
The next step to being successful is choosing the right mindset every chance you get. The more positive you are the more successful you will feel and be. Success is more than just some external measuring tools, it is all about how you feel on the inside. If you feel and believe yourself to be successful then you are successful. It is all about the attitude. If you maintain an positive attitude then you will not let any set back keep you from knowing you are successful and getting the wealth you desire.
Be thankful
The final secret to having a successful life and bringing in all of the wealth you want is to be thankful for what you already have. The key here is that when you appreciate what you already have then you already know you are a success. You have things to be thankful for, so you have things to be seen as a success for. It does not matter if you have everything you want, what matters if that you are appreciative and thankful for all you already have.
Enjoy the fact that you have a successful life. Follow your passion and stick to it. Keep that positive mental attitude and know you are a success and enjoy your success. You can and will be a success, because you are already a success. Keep it going and the wealth will be there.

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Need Money Now? 3 Steps to Greater Wealth Today

Everyone wants to be a millionaire. Our society practically dreams a collective dream of each of our millions. It's what keeps us going in our day-to-day routine- wishing and hoping for that special day of riches. We have even had game shows surrounding the topic. If you need more money now there are ways to get there, but you have to be willing to take the steps.
Money and you are a vibration away. You only ever have as much money as you need. You only ever have as much money as you resonate with in any given moment. If you don't have the correct mindset to be a millionaire you will never be one. Let's get you closer by beginning with these action steps to changing your vibration.
The first thing that needs to be done in order to change your overall vibration is to change your mind. If you are still hanging on to old beliefs about money, this is one reason that you are currently not in alignment with the millions you desire.

Step 1: Create a mindset that vibrates with your desired money
If you spent your entire childhood and perhaps adult life in a state of lack or money deficit it might be hard to pull yourself out of the thinking that created that. Many will state that their poverty is not their fault. While this is certainly not a space to place blame, you need to take responsibility starting now for your own wealth mindset. Whatever happened in the past, or even as recent is yesterday has to be over with starting now.
Whatever your parents and those around you taught you about money up to this point is not working. If your pockets are filled with nothing but lint and your bank accounts have a zero balance, you have not yet adopted the right mindset about money. If all you continually have are dreams about more money, the time to start thinking differently is today.
Begin by examining how you actually think and feel about money overall. You might initially exclaim that you love money, money is great and that you see no problems, but there is something standing in the way and we must find the obstacles. Do yourself the favor of sitting with yourself for minutes at a time or even hours at a time to explore your own thoughts surrounding money beliefs that got you to where you are now.
You might discover something as simple as thinking nasty thoughts about a seemingly rich person who cut you off in traffic with their Mercedes, or someone walking by wearing the clothing and jewelry you wish you could, or someone who lives or vacations in the places that you only daydream about. Are you jealous of those who have more and do you carry this jealousy around even if only from time-to-time?
Any thoughts that you have that are counter to the vibration that you need to be at to have the money that you want, will sabotage you over and over again. Begin by changing your thoughts, even if slowly. If you find resistance in changing a thought, try to do something that Abraham-Hicks has suggested and "reach for the next best thought/feeling." If you can place your thought to the next better level, it will help you get to the next step and the next. Eventually you will vibrate at a better place and alter your setpoint for prosperity.

Step 2: Change your prosperity setpoint
What do I mean by money 'setpoint'? You can think of this setpoint as the state that you are at at any given time. Say for instance right now your money setpoint might be relatively low and you find yourself just scraping by to pay your bills or somehow always slightly behind in a money deficit. You are vibrating in that lacking space in all ways. You might have a thought or two that gives you a quick windfall of cash here and there, but you struggle to get to that level consistently.
To get to a better level and stay there, you must change your prosperity setpoint. In doing the exercises to change your mindset, you will begin clearing away old patterns that have held you where you are now. You will begin to take steps to vibrating in a way that gets you to other levels of income and prosperity. To stay there on a regular basis and to stay there permanently, you must adopt these new thoughts as total and complete beliefs.
You are establishing a total, new belief system about money and thinking differently about prosperity. It's literally what Napoleon Hill said as the title of his book "Think and Grow Rich". As you think better, you will be better. What you think becomes what you are; it all becomes your reality. So change your consistent thought patterns and you will change the prosperity setpoint of your life.

Step 3: Have actual plans to deliver and distribute higher wealth
If prosperity has limited ways of getting to you and also limited ways of flowing through you, you will most certainly limit your wealth in life. If you predetermine that your job is your one and only source of income you will nearly stifle all wealth that could come to you. If your only thoughts are constantly focusing on getting that raise or getting the next better job as a means to wealth- you will chase wealth forever and never get there.
The same goes for seeing your retirement nest egg as the means to being wealthy. People's end of life medical expenses eat up most, if not all, of their retirement egg and many of us turn away from this fact not wanting to face the inevitable. Don't rely on your retirement investments or your home as the total 'wealth' of your future. Likewise having constant dreams about winning the lottery as your 'way out' is just as ludicrous to gamble on. Yes, you can and should certainly save for retirement and pay off your home mortgage and can dream of lottery winnings, but none of them should exclusively be your way to wealth since in reality, none of them are.
The truest way to wealth is to have multiple streams of income. This might mean anything from extra freelance work, a part-time business to your own entrepreneurial venture, leaving your day job, writing eBooks, profitable investments outside of retirement investing, selling online products, and yes, even winning some lottery winnings, etc. The possibilities of ways of gaining income streams are infinite and only limited to your own thinking. Open up your mind. Remember, think it and be it. If you think your income can come from unlimited ways, it will begin to do so. The infinite stream of possibilities will begin to flow freely for you when you change.
In the same regard money likes to flow. Just as you picture money flowing to you, you should also see yourself as part of the plan for money to flow through. Perhaps along with these unlimited streams of other income you also have plenty of money to pass along to charities, to people that you employ, and any other projects that you deem worthy. It becomes a way for money to flow in and out in a positive way and you become one with the overall stream of wealth. Life becomes as if standing in the middle of a river of money and abundance.
So in summary now you know that you need to begin your wealth-building by first changing your mind and eliminating old money beliefs. Next, you must change the new thoughts into absolute beliefs to vibrate with the level of wealth that you desire. Lastly, you must have real ways for money to flow into your life and also to be passed along into the world's money stream. Having a real plan gives money a new space in your life to flow to and from. See your wealth change as you put into practice this new way of living in this totally new mindset and vibration.

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Andrea Mucci is a Usui Reiki Practitioner (III/Master level) specializing in distance healing work, intuitive life coaching and Energy Intervention (™). Contact her at